17 FEBRUARY 1900, Page 15


[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.1 SIR,—Your consistent and persistent denunciation of Mr. Rhodes must be very grateful to every honest man and woman amongst your readers. When the war is over there will be many people who will "want to know " why Mr. Rhodes was not struck off the Privy Council at the time of the Raid, and placed on his trial with the other conspirators in that most wicked and criminal adventure. Also, why the charter of his precious company was not revoked at the same time, in spite of the illustrious personages associated with him in that enterprise. If Empires must be made, let them be made and governed by sovereigns and statesmen, and not by capitalists [We agree with our correspondent, but he is quite right to say "when the war is over." Till then we must devote all energies to the war. After the war the country will require a strict account of Mr. Rhodes's doings, and not merely daring the Raid but in the period during the late Govern- ment's tenure of office,—i.e., from 1892 to 1895.—ED. Spectator.]