17 FEBRUARY 1933, Page 15


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]

Sra,—May I ask you to give me space for two remarks con- cerning your Berlin Correspondent's letter in your issue of February 10th?

(1) The only promise Herr Hitler has ever made in his political career is that he will entirely devote himself to the welfare of the German nation, irrespective of whatever personal loss or trouble. In renouncing his salary as Chan- cellor of the Reich he has set an example of unselfishness unparalleled in contemporary Europe. (Who but Gordon could have done the same ?)

(2) The Storm Detachments (T.A.$) are not given any payment 1 Can it reasonably be called payment, when some members act as " godfathers " to their comrades, i.e., pay the party subscriptions for unemployed members ? It is obviously very difficult to make our very advanced age believe that there are still some backward sections of the German people left who do not consider sacrifice to be an anachronism.-1 am, Sir, &c., (Dr.) RumaAan BECKER.

30 Brunswick Road, Withington, Manchester.