17 FEBRUARY 1939, Page 40


Mr. Frank H. Jones the chairman of the Wandsworth and District Gas Company, also expressed his regret at the neces- sity of raising the price of gas in his company's area. The increase, which in this case comes into operation after April 1st next, had, he said, only been made after every effort to economise in manufacture and distribution. He pointed out that the railway companies and many other public utility undertakings found themselves faced with the same problem as the gas industry. The increase, he warned shareholders, also involved a reduction of per cent. in the statutory divi- dends, and the co-partners' bonus will be reduced by 25 per cent. next year. Mr. Jones is convinced that gas is used more extensively and for more purposes than ever before, though the increasing economy of modern apparatus has prevented a parallel increase in the total quantity consumed. J. D. M.