17 FEBRUARY 1996, Page 23

Sex and logic

Sir: The French are well known, especially by themselves, for logic and clear thought. This makes it the more surprising that such eminent representatives of that nation as Edith Cresson and Frederic Di Guisto (Letters, 10 February) have either failed to remark that the English continue to repro- duce themselves (rather more successfully than do the French, I believe) or to make the logical induction thence.

Both also failed to notice that a reason- ably objective measure of male homosexual- ity is available. I refer, of course, to the inci- dence of Aids. In this, as in so much else, the French lead Europe and the English come nowhere (in both countries the 'heterosexu- al' victims are overwhelmingly male).

I am reminded of a German nationality joke I met some years ago: How do you persuade a Frenchman to jump from an aircraft without a parachute? Simple! You have only to tell him it is the logical thing to do. A Frenchman is always ready to follow logic.

P.G. Urben

2 Upper Rosemary Hill, Kenilworth, Warwickshire