17 JANUARY 1835, Page 11



Our table of Members Returned gives 281 for the Reformers, and 207 for the Tories. Since it was completed, we have received accounts of the following additional elections. Glamorganshire has returned Talbot and Dillwyn ; West Surry, Denison and Barclay ; Isle of Wight, Sir Richard Simeon ; Kilkenny County, Finn and Butler ; Cavan County, Maxwell and Young; Fermanagh, Cole and Arehdall ; Bandon, Jackson ; Galway Borough, Lynch ; Dysart district of Burghs, Fergus ; Banffshire, Ferguson ; Argyleshire, W. Campbell ; Elginsbire, Grant ; Stranraer district of Burghs, Mactaggart ; and Buteshire, Sir William Rae. With these additions, the Reformers will count 291, and the Tories 216.

There is a fair prospect of Sir George Murray being ousted frora Perthshire; as the numbers at the close of the first day's poll were— for Fox Maule, 1329; Murray, 1289. At Glasgow also, Mr. Colin Dunlop, a determined Reformer, is far ahead of Mr. Ewing, a half- and-half gentleman supported by the Tories ; the votes on the close of the first day being—for Oswald, 3:322; Dunlop, 2899; Ewing, 1937. On the other side, Sir George Clerk will probably be elected for Edin- burgh County, as be was 54 ahead of Gibson Craig on the first days poll.