17 JANUARY 1842, Page 2

More deaths are announced in the Niger expedition ; and

a se- cond steamer has been sent out of the river to escape the destruction of its crew. It will be remembered that one of those who gave the most emphatic warnings of this result was Mr. JAMIESON, a Liver- pool merchant, of high character and possessed of the best means of information ; and that part of his information was derived from Mr. Ilecitorr, whom he employed as commander of a steamer on the coast of Africa. That same Mr. Becaorr encountered the retreating detachment of the expedition : he offered his services in rendering any assistance that might be needed; his offer was accepted, and he went up the Niger to watch over the safety of the remaining steamer. How much better if Mr. JAMIESON'S warnings had been accepted, instead of the succour of his em- ploye in scrambling out of the dangers that he prophesied 1 The commanders of the expedition have been active and intrepid ; but, as one of the officers says, there is no contending with the laws of Nature. That axiom was at a discount in Exeter Hall