17 JANUARY 1842, Page 5


Among the minor reforms which Sir Robert Peel has made, is one in the style of the circular issued by the Leader of the House of Commons before the opening of the session. This time it is not conceived in the tone of mixed urgency and command, between the manner of a master to his servants and that of a mere whipper-in. Here it is- " Whilehall, 5th January 1842.

" Sir—The meeting of Parliament being fixed for Thursday the 3d Fe- bruary, I take the liberty of informing you that public business of importance will be immediately proceeded with.

" Permit me to hope that it may be consistent with your convenience to give your attendance in the [louse of Commons on that day. " I have the honour to be, Sir, your most faithful and obedient servant, " ROBERT PEEL."

The Oforning Chronicle thus mentions a rumour respecting the arrangement by which the Duke of Buckingham's opposition to the Ministerial Corn-law reform is to be removed- " A report, which has been current for some days, and is now very generally credited, induces us to think that the bargain has been made on these terms— that we are speedily to have the happiness of counting the Duke of Bucking- ham among the friends of Free Trade ; and that henceforth lie is not to be con- sidered the mere ' Farmer's Friend,' but rather ' the Farmer's Judicious Friend.' This report is, that it is suddenly discovered that Lord Cowley is up- wards of seventy years of age; that an Ambassador at Paris, in these days of quarrelsome etiquette, ought to be in the vigour of life and intellect; and that the Duke of Buckingham, the Farmer's Friend, is to be Ambassador at Paris."

A question has arisen in the English press, to know whether the merit of the new Slavery convention belongs to Lord Palmerston or Lord Aberdeen. Justice makes us admit that the convention belongs to Lord Palmerston. France might have signed it before the fall of Lord Melbourne, and would have signed it had the French Cabinet not a grudge against Lord Palmerston. —Revue des Deux Mondes.

We hear that, among other things which are in contemplation at the Post-office, it is intended that all letters prepaid by money, not by stamps, shall be charged double postage. The !object of this change is to diminish, if not entirely suppress, accounts between the Postmasters and the General Post-office.—Brighton Gazette. The Poor-law Commissioners have for some time past been in almost constant communication with the Home Office, and scarcely a day passes without one of the Commissioners having an interview with Sir James Graham.—Standard.

Dr. Philip Nicholas Shuttleworth, Bishop of Chichester, died at the Palace of his see, on Friday night. He succeeded Bishop Otter in September 1840. Mr. Anderson, Dr. French, Dr. Hook, Dr. Words- worth, Archdeacon Lyall, and the Reverend John Peel, Canon of Can- terbury, brother of Sir Robert Peel, have all been spoken of as can- didates for the vacant dignity.

Mr. Justice Bosanquet has resigned his seat on the bench, in coon.- quence of continued ill health. Mr. Sergeant Merewether, Mr. Law the Recorder of London, and Mr. Sergeant Gonlburn, are each men- tioned as likely to succeed him. The Times says that Mr. Cresswell has the preferrible claim. We understand that our learned Recorder (F. N. Rogers, Esq.) has been appointed Deputy Judge Advocate-General, in the room of the late Mr. Sergeant Arabia.—Exeter Times.

Tuesday's Gazette announced that the Lord Chancellor has ap- pointed Mr. Thomas Burgh Dalby, of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, and Mr. James Sollory, of Nottingham, to be Masters Extraordinary in the High Court of Chancery.

The Duke of Wellington arrived in town on Monday morning, for the season.

The Duke of Wellington gave a dinner to all the Cabinet Ministers, at Apsley House, on Wednesday evening. Sir James Graham has taken the house lately occupied by Lord Nor- manby, in Hill Street, Berkeley Square. Sir James and Lady Graham removed thither from Grosvenor Place a few days ago.

The Duke of Cleveland is so much worse that his recovery is con- sidered hopeless.

Mr. Sharman Crawford is convalescent, and is expected to take his seat in Parliament at the opening of the session.

A correspondent of the Chronicle supplies some information respecting the Short Time Deputation. "George A. Fleming, Esquire, is an ex- journeyman plumber, and present editor of Mr. Owen's New Moral World. He has no more to do with the West Riding of Yorkshire or the Factory system than Tenterden steeple with Goodwin Sands." Joshua Hobson is Mr. Fleming's Leeds publisher. "Mr. John Leech is ci- devant delegate of O'Connor's Convention, and has been on speaking terms with the late Attorney-General." Mr. Mark Crabtree was ap- pointed collector by Mr. J. S. Byng, who was accused at the Mansion- house on the 18th November 1840 of raising money under false pre- tences, causing it to be collected for the " Anti-Corn-law Board," in Tokenhouse Yard. At that time the subjoined letter was sent to Mr. H. S. Chapman, the Secretary to the Metropolitan Anti-Corn•law As- sociation—

"12th November 1810.

" Sir—We beg leave respectfully to inquire if the Anti-Corn-law Board of Tokenhouse Yard is in any way connected with the Anti-Corn-law Asso- ciation; the former having advertised for canvassers. We have received ap- pointments, but do not consider that we should be justified in occupying our- selves in the business if there is any opposition that would act prejudicially to the cause we both advocate. We are, Sir, your most obedient humble servants, Henry Lyons, 22, Felix Street, Westminster Road ; Mark Crabtree, 10, Wych Street, Strand."

Of the other members of the Deputation, accordiug to the Chronicle's correspondent, nothing is distinctly known.

The French Chamber of Peers met on Tuesday to consider the draft of an address in reply to the speech from the Throne. It was a mere echo of the speech, except in one passage, which was directed against the conclusion of the treaty with Belgium. The Prince of Moscow opened the debate with a very warlike oration, in which he charged the King with using too much reserve on foreign affairs. M. Boissy made a furious attack on Spain, calling Espartero an " executioner." M. Guizot called upon him to withdraw expressions which could not be suffered towards an individual exercising a portion of the sovereign power in a friendly state. M. de Dreux Breze commented on the silence of the Royal speech with regard to Spain. M. Guizot declared, on Wednesday, that M. de Dreux Breze was right to remark that silence ; for silence on so important a subject in the speech was pur- posed, voluntary, and the result of reflection ; and the reason which had dictated it still checked M. Guizot in offering explanation. Negotia- tions were pending between the French and Spanish Governments, which inopportune explanations might have the effect of interrupting. The French Government approved of the treaty of Bergara ; and as to the reports current respecting the last insurrection, and the participation or favour shown to it by the French Government, he declared them totally without foundation. Every act of the French Government was directed simply to the restoration of order.

The Courrier du Bas Rhin of the 8th instant states, that the mem- bers of the bar of Colmar had entered a protest against the sentence pronounced by the Court of Peers in the case of M. Dupoty, and forwarded it to M. Marie, chairman of the bar of Paris.

M. Foucanld, the editor of the Gazette de France, has been sentenced to one year's imprisonment and to pay a fine of 4,000 francs, for a libel on the King and Government.

Paris has had a small disturbance. On Thursday and Friday morning, at an early hour, manuscript placards were found affixed to the walls of the Schools of Medicine and Law, inviting the students to make a manifestation on occasion of M. de Lamennais coming out of prison. These placards were removed by order of the authorities. On Friday about one o'clock, from 200 to 300 individuals, including many students, met on the Place du Pantheon, and went to the Place de l'Ecole de Medecine, where another assemblage of about 200 was waiting for them. The crowd thus formed went to the residence of M. de Lamennais, in the Hue Tronchet. On passing before the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the mob cried, " A bas Guizot ! a bas le Ministere de l'Etranger!" and when they had arrived opposite the house of M. de Lamennais, they halted, and four Delegates proceeded to his apartment. M. de La- mennais shortly afterwards presented himself at the balcony, and was saluted by cries of Vive Lamennais I " At this moment a detachment of troops of the Line, headed by two Commissaries of Police, made its appearance ; and the mob resumed its march, on its return to the neigh- bourhood of the schools. In passing again in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the assemblage again shouted " A bas Guizot 1" and then proceeded to the Rue da Croissant ; where it stopped for a moment in front of the office of the Journal du Peuple, shouting " Vive Dupoty !" On reaching the Chamber of Peers, the rioters shouted several times,

"A bas les Pairs, vieux habits, vieux galons!" Having returned to the Place du Pantheon, they appeared inclined to remain there, and began to sing the Marseillaise ; but a detachment of the Municipal Guard, beaded by a Commissary of Police, immediately came up and dispersed them. Several persons, students and workmen, who were in the as- semblage, and who had made themselves prominent by their shouts and turbulence, were arrested at various points and conveyed to prison. The people _on the entire line traversed by the assemblage evinced no sympathy with this demonstration. In the evening every thing was quiet.

The disorderly state of the military is exhibited in an affray narrated by the National— "During some time, bad feeling has existed between the private soldiers of the Second and Fifty-ninth Regiments of the Line, which produced alarming consequences on Sunday last. On that day, about two thousand men of either regiments met at the Barriare de l'Ecole, and commenced fighting, with a desperation which caused most disastrous results. Like two armies drawn up in battle array, the Second Regiment took possession of one position, and the Fifty-ninth of another. On a signal having been given, they drew their sabres; and the men of the centre companies not being furnished with swords, pro- vided themselves with staves, and the fight commenced. The inhabitants being terrified, closed their houses, and this deplorable contest continued for several hours. Officers of all ranks, who came to restore order, were disobeyed; several military guardhouses were disarmed ; and fatigue alone put an end to the affray. The ground on which this battle was fought presented a lament- able sight. Broken sabres, helmets, &c., were scattered over the field; whilst a number of men, some dangerously and several severely wounded, were in- capable of moving, and were obliged to be carried to the hospital. An order was published on Monday consigning those regiments to their barracks, and a strict investigation has been instituted by order of Marshal Soult."

The supposed Belgian swindlers who committed some frauds in Eng- land lately have been detected. By means of forged checks on a Bel- gian bank called the Society for the Encouragement of Industry, one Ranyier' Kanyier, or Randin, obtained Irish notes to the amount of 1,300/., from Mr. Massey, a money-changer in Leadenhall Street. Daniel and John Forrester, Mansionhouse Police-officers, and Mr. Rutter, Mr. Massey's cashier, were sent in pursuit to Paris. Ranyier had two companions, Pressel, a Pole, and a Madame Caroline Danelle, a gypsy-looking woman. The last was discovered in disguise as Caro- lus Danello, to which name hers had been changed in her passport ; and Pressel was arrested with her they were seized just as they were ap- plying for a passport for Cologne. Ranyier, who proves to be really named Romanzow' escaped for the present, with a number of forged Belgian notes and Prussian coins. Danelle confessed every thing. She states that in London they resided at Mr. Brown's, wine and spirit mer- chant, Blue Anchor Tavern, St. Mary Hill, Lower Thames Street. It appears that there is a company existing in Belgium to forge passports, which are to be obtained at one hundred francs each, for any country and in any language.

Letters from Madrid to the 4th instant announce no advance towards a reconcilement of the dispute between M. de Salvandy and the Regent as to the delivery of credentials. M. de Salvandy had made all his preparations to quit the city on the following day, with all the Attaches of the Embassy. He would leave only a person to sign passports. It is added, that Mr. Aston, the British Minister, had exerted all his influ- ence to effect an arrangement of the differences between M. de Salvandy and the Spanish Government 4343 The Minister of Finance brought forward the Budget for the year 1842, on the 3d. He declared the deficit on the year to amount to 180,000,000 reals (1,800;0000 The Morning Chronicle publishes a letter explaining the ground on which Espartero rests his refusal to permit the French Ambassador, M. de Salvandy, to deliver his credentials to the Queen- " The constitution of the Spanish monarchy, promulgated in Madrid on the 18th June 1837, and by which the Spanish nation is now governed, contains the following clause : "Title VIII. Of the Minority of the King, and of the Regency.—Artiele 59. The Regency shall exercise the entire authority of the King, in whose name the acts of the Government shall be published.' "Title VI. of the same constitution, headed Of the King' (or Sovereign,) states, in Article 47, No. 6, that, ' in addition to the prerogatives assigned to the King by the constitution, he is authorized (ie corresponds) to direct the diplomatic and commercial relations with other powers.' " The foregoing extracts sufficiently prove the absurdity of M. Salvandy's pretension to deliver his credentials into the bands of the young Queen of Spain, instead of to the Regent."

Intelligence has been received from Lisbon to the 3d instant. The session of the Cortes was opened by commission on the 2d. It was immediately proronued to the 23d February. By a decree of the 31st December 1841, the Minister of Finance, Senhor Avila, has contracted a new loan with a company recently established, called " the National Credit Company." Government are to receive one thou- sand contos of reis in money, and six thousand contos in different classes of papers ; the interest of which is to be paid from the revenues of the Customhouse. The half of this amount, five hundred contos, is to be paid immediately, and the remainder in three monthly instal- ments. This new financial operation has caused general dissatisfaction.

Letters from Athens to the 20th December state that King Gib° had not yet returned a reply to the collective note addressed to him by the representatives of the three Protecting Powers, respecting complaints of Turkey against the Greek Government. The latter, it appears, had declared its readiness to settle amicably the portion of the claims which referred to Turkish property retained by the state or subjects of Greece, and had made a series of propositions on the subject. The point respecting the ill-treatment complained of by the Turks living in the Grecian territory still remained to be adjusted.

The packet-ship New York arrived at Liverpool on Tuesday, with New York papers to the 23d December. Their news is not uninte- resting.

The House of Representatives were discussing the question of the Tariff. The proposal to refer that part of the President's Message which relates to the customs-duties on imports and finance generally to the Committee on Trade and Manufactures, which is composed of a majority in favour of protective-duties, had been met by an amend- ment that it be referred to the Committee of Ways and Means. This point was under debate when the accounts brought by the New York left.

The Select Committee on Finance, to whom Mr. Tyler's plan for a fiscal agent is referred, bad held a meeting; and some of the accounts go so far as to say that the majority were opposed to any fiscal corpo- ration whatever, and that the scheme will be so modified that it will in the eud be little more than an independent treasury, with the liberty of receiving deposits and issuing deposit-certificates. It seems to be

ascertained, at all events, that the Select Committee have the most per- fect control over the financial plan, and may alter it in any manner they may think proper.

The State of Indiana is boldly following an example already set by Mississippi ; and numerous meetings, largely attended, have been held for the purpose of openly demanding a repudiation of the debts of the State. It is said that in the States of Michigan and Illinois similar movements have taken place; and in various others a like course is contemplated.

A robbery had been committed at the Patent Office in Washington. The valuables stolen were, a beautiful snuffbox set in diamonds, a magnificent pearl-necklace, and a sword, superbly hilted with gold set in brilliants, and encased in a gold scabbard, presented by the Govern- ment of Peru to the President of the United States, and valued at ten thousand dollars.

Three barns had been burned near the border, at Odelltown, in Canada ; and the Canadian papers mention the destruction of other buildings. It is supposed that the offenders belong to the other side of the line. The New Yorh Express says- " We stated a few days since that there had been recently a renewal of dis- turbances on the Canadian frontier, and that a set of scoundrels, calling them- selves Americans, had fired a large number of buildings on the Canadian side. There is evidently a set of miscreants upon the borders who are determined, if possible to plunge the two countries into a war; but it cannot be doubted that many Who are concerned in these outrages are Canadian outlaws, although they perpetrate their ruffian acts under the name of Americans. Whoever they are, whether our own villanons citizens or foreign vagabonds, it is the bounden duty of the American authorities to take such measures as will bring all con- cerned to a summary punishment. " The recent acts of incendiarism have naturally created a feeling of deep indignatioa in Canada; and they threaten a retaliation in kind. Should they carry their threats into execution.—and there is every reason to fear they may, should the atrocities from the American side continue—what could we say? It is fearful to think of the consequences which may result from the condition of things on the frontier ; and it is earnestly to be hoped that prompt and ener- getic measures will be taken to put a stop to the outrages committed." The Express then quotes a passage from the Montreal Courier, re- commending that for every barn burned on the Canadian side two should be burned on the American.

The papers contain further particulars respecting the brig Creole, which bore a cargo of one hundred and thirty-five slaves from Rich- mond for New Orleans; but they revolted on the voyage, and compelled the crew to run to Nassau, in New Providence, a British colony-

" On the 7th November, at eight p. m., the brig was hove to in the belief that she was approaching Abaco. The next day, after the passengers and crew not on duty had retired, at about half-past nine p. tn., the slaves mutinied, and murdered a passenger named Hewell, owner of a portion of the slaves, by stabbing him with a bowie-knife. They wounded the Captain and one of the hands dangerously, the chief mate and another of the hands severely. But little defence could be made, as the victims were totally unprepared for an attack, and had but one musket on board ; while the slaves were armed with pistols, knives, and bludgeons, made by cutting up handspikes. There is rea- son to believe that the whole plot was arranged before they left Richmond. " Having obtained possession of the vessel, they broke open the trunks and ransacked the whole cargo. They spared the lives of the mate, passengers, and a part of the crew, on condition they should be taken immediately to Abaco, an English island. Forced to obey, the crew set sail, and arrived at Nassau, New Providence, on the 9th November. On landing, the American Consul had the Captain and two of the men immediately taken on shore, and their wounds dressed, while every attention was paid to the wounded on board. The Consul likewise requested the Governor of New Providence to place a guard on board to prevent the slaves from going ashore ; as he well knew that if this were not done it would be impossible to secure the guilty perpetrators of the murder. The request of the Consul was granted, and an investigation of the affair was conducted by two Magistrates of Nassau. The Captain took the testimony of the passengers and crew. Nineteen slaves were identi- fied as having participated in the rnutiny_and murder. They were placed in confinement until further orders, th Governor refusing to have them sent to

America under the circumstances. he other 114 slaves were liberated by

her Majesty's authorities, on the and that the slaves must be considered and treated as passengers, having th right to land in boats- from the shore, when- ever they thought proper. The Captain is doing well, and will probably re- cover."

A letter from the Americat Consul is q 'ted, in which he says, that on the liberation of the Ne: a vessel as put up for Jamaica, to take emigrants passage-free, an a num of the revolters took pas- sage in it. A Mr. Bourne, an t aptist missionary, is named as an instigator of the plot at Richmond.

The Hampshire Telegraph gives later intelligence of the Niger Expe- dition. Another of the three steamers, the Wilberforce, had been sent down the river with twenty-six fever-patients, (it is called forty-six in one place,) under the command of Captain William Allen, himself ill of the fever. There were also three officers of the Albert who came down as invalids ; but two of them, Mr. Fishbourne and Mr. Bowden, recovered, and returned up the river by an opportunity which is men- tioned below. The following extracts of letters by officers of the Wil- berforce are given- " Her Majesty's steam.vessel Wilberforce, Fernando Po, 5th October. " The Soudan had turned her head downwards on the 19th September, under charge of Fishbourne, with the greater part of the sick of the squadron. It was Captain Trotter's intention at that time that the Wilberforce should proceed up the Chadda and the Albert up the Niger; but on the following day, the number of our officers (originally, as you know, very small) being much re- duced, it was thought prudent to send us down to the sea as well. Accord- ingly, on the 21st, we parted company from the Albert, then under weigh to go upwards, and arrived here four days ago, having been unavoidably detained cutting wood on our way. I saw Captain Trotter and Captain Bird Allen a few minutes before we left, both in perfect health and spirits. We brought down as passengers Messrs. Bowden, Harvey, and Coltman, all ill with fever. Mr. Bowden has had a sharp attack, but is, I trust, fairly in the way of re- covery. Poor Harvey breathed his last two days ago ; and we lost Mr. Wake- ham on our passage down. On our arrival here, we found the Soudan and Pluto, and poor Fishbourne laid up with fever; to which, no doubt, fatigue and anxiety have mainly conduced. I trust, however, that as the fever shows some signs of being spent on board the Wilberforce since our exit from the river, his may not prove a serious case. The deaths have been altogether fifteen, five of whom were officers. (This does not include the eight death. on board the Dolphin, of which the writer knew nothing.) The number of cues by the time we left the Albert had been altogether eighty-five or eighty-six."

•• Ascension. 22d November.

" You will already have heard that it was found necessary to send the Soudan to the sea on the 19th September, with the sick of the expedition. On the 21st September, Captain Trotter considered the Albert to be still in an efficient state: having sent the sick away, he was anxious to make a further attempt, in hopes of being able to reach liabbah ; which, if he succeeds, will enable him (after the success we had at Iber and at Iddah) nearly to complete the main objects for which we entered the river. He intended to come down to the sea in the middle of November ; and as he has plenty of coals, which he will reserve for the purpose, a few days will bring him clear of the river, even from Rabbah. After the Soudan left us, there were so many sick in the Wilberforce that we were not able to go up the Chadda, as had been previously determined, but were unfortunately obliged to follow the Soudan. On the arrival of the Wilberforce at Fernando Po, she (the Soudan) was sent iu charge of Lieutenant Strange to endeavour to reach the Albert ; and before she left, Mr. Becroft arrived in the Ethiope, and very handsomely agreed to go up the river, and offer any assistance, should Captain Trotter require it. We are getting ready to go to the coast, according to our orders, but hope before we sail to see Captain Trotter here."

A third writer, an officer of the Albert, says, that "if prudence, sound judgment, and indefatigable diligence and perseverance could have overcome the difficulties of the expedition, our excellent Commander- in-chief would soon have accomplished more than the most sanguine hope could ever have ventured to expect: but to overcome the laws of Nature is beyond the power of human wisdom and strength." Captain Trotter determined, however, to persevere : an extract is quoted from one of two letters which he wrote on the 20th and 21st September, at the confluence of the Niger and Chadda- " The new cases that occur every minute are very perplexing; but I do not see that it is yet time for the Albert to give up the river this year, though half-

an-hour more may alter the case. * • I shall certainly, I think, be at Fernando Po by the 15th December. The model-farm is going on well, and is beautifully situated."