17 JANUARY 1846, Page 19


Tuesday, Jan. 13.


Morris and M'Itae—Wilkins and Daniell, Twerton Mills, Bath, cloth-manufacturers. —George and Patent Shot Company, Bristol, lead-merchants-11. and R. Fulford, Aston, Birmingham, corn-dealers-1Ln and Co. Whitehaven, dealers in grain—W. and G. Roffey, Com Exchange, corn-merchants—Hattersley and Co. Sheffield, Britannia metal spoon-manufacturers—Imray and Fitch, Old Fish Street Hill, wholesale stationers; as , far as regards H. linray—Denne and Hicks, Sandwich, cabinetmakers—N. and J. Tem- perley, Whiting's Wharf, Ratcliff, coal-merchants—Wardrop and Ewart, element's Lane, wine-merchants —Sttudish and IlLackett, Leeds, stock-brokers —Norton and Sons,. Kirkheaton, Yorkshire, fancy-cloth-manufacturers—Clare and Wardle, Stalybridge, - chemists—W. and T. Rounding, Woodford, Essex, Innkeepers—Catterall and Co. Pres- ton, cotton-manufacturers—Hodgson and Benson, Preston, plumbers—Hills and Baird, Liverpool, merchants; as far as regards T. Hill—Evans and kills-man, Liverpool, plumbers —Branscomb and Benson, Aylesbury, attornies—Wilson and Roberts, Old Montague Street, Whitechapel, scam-boilers—Boycot and Lucy, Kidderminster, attornies— Wald- fogel and Co. Kitts's Lynn, watchmakers—Rimmel and Son, Gerrard Street, perfumers —Cragg and Musgrove, Settle, Yorkshire, stock-brokers—Cook and Hayward, Ipswich, chemists—Cope and Estes, Cork Street, Bond Street, architects—Cross and Powell, stock-brokers—J. and D. Baker, Think, linendrapers—J. and J. Baker, York, linen- drapers—Morley and Coles, Cheltenham, surgeons—Kimberley and Baker, Birming- ham, surgeons—Mayne and Layeock, Leeds, tobacco-imanufacturers—Taylors and Co. Manchester, umbrella-frame-makers; as far as regards H. B. Holland—Lea and Mer- rick, Bristol, glass-merchants—Clayton and Co. Manchester, commission-agents—Mal- boson and Sons, Ilucklersfield, woollen-manufacturers; as far as regards G. Maillasen- Price and Co. Sunderland, ship-brokers—Harris and Son, Plymouth, house-painters- Hitchcock and Co. South Melton, woollen-manufacturers ; as far as regards W.

Hitchcock. BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED. Levers, WILLIAM, Barnsley, tobacconist.


BARTLETT, CIRAELBS, Southampton, merchant, to surrender Jan. 23, Feb. 24,: solid- tors, Messrs. Tilson and Squanoe, Coleman Street; Mr. Randall, Southampton:, official , assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. EDWARDS, Tuomes, Ltansaintfraid, Montgomeryshire, surgeon, Jan. 23, Feb. 13: solicitors, Messrs. Dean and Sons, Essex Street, Strand; Mx Min.h.,1 Osweatyy3 Mr. Evans, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool. Goss, JAMES GILBERT, Cheltenham. innkeeper, Jan. 26, March 2 : solicitor, Mr. LIM. Cheltenham ; official assignee, Mr. Miller, Bristol.

Guy, Mau, and Sarni, Hexer, Farringdon Street, linendrapers, Jan. 22, March 7 : solicitors, Reed and Langford, Friday St.; official assignee, Sir. Follett, Sambrook Ct. Lrys, Hanes, Plymouth, tobacconist, Jan. 28, Feb. 19 : solicitors, Messrs, Surr and Dribble, Lombard Street; Messrs. Lockyer and BulteeL Plymouth; Mr_ Moore, Exe- ter; official assignee, Iiir. }usual, lxeter

MACLEAN, Muria, Basinghall St. cloth-factor, Jan. 27, Feb. 20: solicitors, Valiance & Beigley, Old Jewry ; Croom Harris, Stroud ; official assig., Mr. Groom, Abcharch L. MOGGERLDGE, HENRY, St. John Street, wire-drawer, Jan. 20, Feb. 24 solicitor, Mr. Low, Chancery Laue ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard.

PIERCE, THOMAS CAREY WILLARD, and HOMAN, Gums, Manchester, merchants, Jan. 23, Feb. 13: solicitors, Mr. Abbott, Charlotte Street, Bedford Square ; Messrs. Atkinson and Saunders, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Hobson, Manchester.

REID, JAMES, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, ship-broker, Jan. 29, March 11 : solicitors, Mr. Plumptre, Temple ; Mr. Cram, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

STEVENs, Joss, Clement's Inn, builder, Jan. 27, Feb. 20; solicitor, Mr. Ashurst, Cheapside ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.

WILDERS, THOMAS, Sloane Street, brewer, Jan. 27, Feb. 24 : solicitors, Messrs. Everes and Co. Hatton Garden ; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham.

WILLINsON, Jour', Haslingden, Lancashire, joiner, Jan. 23, Feb. 13: solicitors, Messrs. Humphrys and Co. Chancery Lane ; Messrs. Hetherington and Woodburn, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Hobson, Manchester.


Feb. 5, Chamberlain, Limon Grove North, glass-merchant—Feb. 5, Collyer, New- gate Street, victualler—Feb. 5, Cross, Woodstock, glover—Feb. 4, Sheldrake, Ips- wich, bootmaker—Feb. 6, Hardy, St. Ives, Innkeeper—Jan. 30, Mott, Loughborough, wine-merchant—Feb. 5, Meredith. Liverpool, linendraper—Feb. 10, Breakenridge, Liverpool, tailor—Feb. 5, Adamson, Stockport, grocer—Feb. 5, Doxford, Bishop- wearmouth, ship-builder—Feb. 10, Bucklee, Kidderminster, mercer.

CERTIFICATES To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting.

Feb. 5, Davis, Jermyn Street, dealer in regimental dresses—Feb. 5, Savage, Old Compton Street, victualler—Feb. 3, Taylor and Co. Liverpool, hosiers.

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Feb. 3. Benson, North Place, Gray's Inn Road, stationer—Hall, Liverpool, victualler—Hodg- son, Thornton in Lonsdale, brickmaker—Watling, Gilbert Street, Hanover Square,


Bawe, Portsea, leather-seller; first div. of 10s. 41d. any Wednesday ; Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall-street—Shaw, Southampton, wine-merchant ; second div. of 3d. Jan. 14, and the two subsequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Tnrquand, Old Jewry—Imray, Old Fish Street, Hill, stationer ; first div. of 114. any Wednesday ; Mr. Whitmore, Basinghail Street—Barry, Bristol, victualler ; div. of es. 10d. Jan. 14, or any subsequent Wed- nesday; Mr. Kynaston, Bristol.

SCOTCH seqemaraanoe. HALL, R., Glasgow, writer, Jan. 19, Feb. 9.

Friday, Jan. 16.


Wilkins and Daniell, Bath, cloth-manufacturers—Robertson and Home, Church Stret- ton, Shropshire, mercers—J. B. and E. Woodhcad, Huddersfield, woolstaplers—Penny and Light, Weymouth, grocers—Maskelyne and Alcock, Cheltenham, ale-dealers — Simmons and Co. Cld Brampton—Williams and Bowley, Manchester, drapers—Milli- gan and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, stuff-merchants ; as far as regards W. Milligan— Green and Co. Manchester, engineers ; as far as regards J. Williams—Armstrong and Co. Manchester, merchants ; as far as regards T. Phillips and J. Darwell—J. and W. Greenwood, Halifax, cotton-twisters—Kilpatrick and Co. Liverpool, merchants —Hinch- we Mill Cooperative Trading Society, Holmfirth, Yorkshire, grocers ; as far as regards J. Crosland and J. Booth—A. and E. Tyler, King's Road, Chelsea, builders—C. M. and R..Westmacott, Cheapside, seedsmen—Hutcheson and Bell, Liverpool, cart-owners- Scott and Co. Mortlake, surgeons—Stephenson and Love, Manchester, lithographers— Herein and Dillon, Liverpool, wine-merchants--Luhvyche and Sou, Liverpool, chemists —Anderson and Co. Liverpool, steam saw-mill proprietors ; as far as regards A. Petrie —Anderson and Co. Liverpool, merchants—Webb and Co. bankers ; as far as regards T. Holbrook—G. and J. Trigg, Bayswater, corn-dealers—Trubshaw and Co. Newcastle- under-Lyme, architects ; as far as regards J. Trubshaw—Foxwell and Morris, Bristol, drapers—Willlams and Co. Upper Thames Street, beer-merchants—Turner and Mat- thews, Liverpool, drapers—Hayward and Chappie, Belvedere Street, Islington, vic- tuallers—Dodd and Co. solicitors; as far as regards C. A. Dodd—Barrett and Horsfall, Halifax, plumbers—Dudley Port Company, Tipton, coal-masters—Hague and Co. Stockport, cotton-manufacturers—Crompton and Taylor, Oldham, cottondoubders- WbItelaw and Co. Mists], chemists; at far as regards J. Whitelaw.


ALLDRITT, Jolts, Rugeley, Staffordshire, ropemaker, to surrender Jan. 31, Feb. 28: solicitors, Messrs. Parkes and Co. Bedford Row • Messrs. Motteram and Knowles, Bir- mingham; official assignee,.Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham.

Beeler, TROIKAS, Leeds, stockbroker, Jan. 80, Feb. 16 : solicitors, Messrs. Williamson and Hill, Gray's Inn ; Mr. Caries, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds. BccELET, WILLIAM. Hollingrove in Saddleworth, woollen-cloth-manufacturer, Jan. 30, Feb. 20 : solicitors, Mr. Spinks, Great James Street ; Mr. Redfearn, Oldham ; Mr. 3Liddleton, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Kynaston, Leeds.

Buerger, ALFRED, Bridge House Place, Newington Causeway, window-blind-maker, Jan. 27, Feb. 27: solicitor, Mr. Richardson, Coleman St.; official assignee, Mr. Pennell.

CASWELL, THOMAS, and Tiernmf,, JAMES THOMAS, Northampton, leather-sellers, Jan. 117, Feb. 26 : solicitors, Mr. Hemmen, Basing Lane ; Mr. Donates, Northampton ; offi- ce& assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.

CLAY, Thomas, Longroydbridge in Huddersfield, merchant, Jan. 29, Feb. 19 : soli- citors, Messrs. Jacques and Edwards, Ely Place, Holborn ; Messrs. Battye and Clay, Huddersfield ; official assignee, Mr. Freeman, Leeds.

Delo:nem Lame, Titehbourne Street, watchmaker, Jan. 29, Feb.27 : solicitor, Mr. Brady, Staples Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street.

EVILL, THOMAS LEDIARD, and Dowrams, THOMAS, Vigo Street, cloth-manufacturers, Jan. 29, Feb. 27: solicitors, Messrs. Dickson and Overbury, Old Jewry ; official assignee. Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane.

Room, THOMAS WOODYATY, Bathurst St. Hyde Park Gardens, chemist, Jan. 20, Feb. 27: solicitor, Mr. Church, Bedford Row ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall St.

Kcal, FREDERICK, Harley Street, bookseller, Jan. 27, Feb. 26 : solicitor, Mr. Thrupp, Winchester Buildings : official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry.

LAWRENCE, WILLIAM, Sheffield, stove-manufacturer, Jan. 30, Feb. 20: solicitors, Messrs. Parkes and Co. Bedford Row • Messrs. Brookfield and Gould, Sheffield ; Mr. Blackburn, Leeds ; official assignee, 3fr. Hope, Leeds.

MAUD, WILLIAM, Liverpool, victualler, Jan. 27, Feb. 20 : solicitors. Mr. Rodgerson, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Mr. Davies, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool. Owes, PETER, Liverpool, miller, Jan. 27, Feb. 20: solicitors, Messrs. Sharpe and Co. Bedford Row ; Lowndes and Co. Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Morgan, Liverpool.

ORCHARD, WILLIAM, Pongee, builder, Jan. 23, March 7; solicitors, Mr. Low, Chan- cery Lane ; Messrs. Low and Son, Portsea ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury.

STAFFORD, RICHARD, Warnford Court, share-agent, Jan. 23, March 7: eolleitor, Mr. Wootton, Tokenhouse Yard ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury. WILLIAMS, THOMAS, Bristol, victualler, Jan. 30, Feb. 27: solicitor, Mr. Hopkins, Bristol ; official assignee, Mr. Hutton, Bristol. WALKER, ROBERT EDWARDS, Liverpool, ship-broker, Jan. 30, Feb. 27: solicitors, Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford Bow; Mr. Green, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr.

Bird, Liverpool. DIVIDENDS.

Feb. 7, Herring, Cecilia Place, Bermondsey, builder—Feb. 7, Simpson, Blackfriars Road, engineer—Feb. 10, Alderton, Brightelmstone, tailor—Feb. 6, Thorn, New Brentford, paper-hanger,—Feb. 10, Hicks, Upper Thames Street, drug-grinder— Feb. 6, Young, Godalming, nurseryman—Feb. 6, Pett, Hampstead, carpenter—Feb. 6, Winstan- ley, Lawrence Lane, commission-agent—Feb. 11, Rayner, Rougham, Norfolk, litmused- vietualler—Feb. II, Fowkes, Leicester, hosier—Feb. 11, Maybury, Bilston, Stafford-

shire, iron-manufacturer. CERTIFICATES, To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

Feb. 10, Howes, Milton. Gravesend, tavern-keeper—Feb. 10, Peake, Tolleshunt Knights, Essex, miller—Feb. 10, Bellamy. Clarence Place, Kingsland Road, builder— Feb. 9, Charity, Alford, Lincolnshire, builder—Feb 9, Geiner, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, dyer—Feb. 6, Atkins, Liverpool, brewer—Feb. 10, &ton, Liver- pool, cart-owner—Feb. 10, Bentley, Liverpool, hosier—Feb. 10, Ockleston, Liverpool, hide-merchant—Feb. 9, Ashworth and Keyworth, Manchester, common-brewers- Feb. 3, Cooke, Manchester, joiner.

To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Feb. 6. Smith, Garboldisham, Norfolk, grocer—Webber, Catherington Hampshire, grocer— Worth, Tomes, Devonshire, linendraper.—Bromwich, Leamington Priors, grocer— Kirkby, Klrkheaton, Yorkshire, fancyananufacturer—Parfitt, Bristol, engineer.


Heaketh, Hahne, Lancashire, victualler ; first and final div. of 71d., Jan. 20, or any subsequent Tuesday ' . Mr. Hobson, Manchester—Warr, •Befuninster, auctioneer ; first and final div. of 7s. 6d., any day after Jan. 22 ; Mr. Hernaman, Exeter—Robson, Liver- pool, soap-manufacturer ; second div. of 1014., and a &v. of 48. 244. on new proofs, Jan. 19, or any subsequent Monday ; Mr. Turner, Liverpool—Wright, Kettering, North- amptonshire, grocer ; div. of 38., Jan. 16, or any subsequent Friday ; Mr. Follett, Basinghall Street—Gale and Son, Love Lane, Shadwell, paint-manufacturers ; div. of 6or, Jon. 16, or any subsequent Friday; Mr. Follett, Basinghall Street.

SCOTCH SEQUESTRATION. BORROWMAN, G. liswick, draper, Jan. 22. Feb. 12.