17 JANUARY 1852, Page 9



The English Stock Market has been comparatively tranquil; the fluctua- tion not having exceeded f per cent. The course of the market has been mainly determined by the variations of the French Funds ; and as the sub- marine telegraph is continually at work, scarcely an afternoon elapses with- out some reports as to the operations of the day upon the Bourse in Paris. These reports, though frequently incorrect, never fail to produce an effect ; and on Tuesday a fall of k per cent was caused by the report of a heavy de- cline, which turned out to be without foundation. Money continues very abundant ; the rate of discount is from 2 to 2i per cent. The closing price of Consols this afternoon is 961 for Money, and 961k for the February Ac- count; the "continuation" paid for carrying over Stock to February being barely 1-16th per cent. The fluctuations of the European Foreign Bonds have been entirely de- pendent upon the Parisian money market ; though there does not appear so much vitality in these as in the .English Securities, the recovery from de- pression neither being so speedy nor so well maintained. Sardinian Stock has experienced some fluctuation, and is today about 2 per cent lower than last week. The Northern European Stocks have been but little dealt in. Span- ish Stock has fluctuated about 1 per cent, and is today nearly at pre- vious quotations. The conversion is going on rapidly, and large amounts of the new Stock are already afloat ; the price ex-dividend being about 18.

The English Share Market has been firm, and comparatively steady ; the range of fluctuation of the heaviest description of Shares not having exceeded 2/. From the reasons already stated, the French Shares have fluctuated eon- siderably, especially those of the Northern of France. A further lease of thirty years baa been granted to this company by the French Government, extending the whole period of concession to seventy-five years from 1845, in- stead of forty-five as in the original agreement. These shares consequently advanced to 20; but have since fallen back again about 308. per share. The other French Shares have also fluctuated proportionally ; but it is impossible to chronicle their variations, which have been as sudden and uncertain as those of the barometer. The Northern, however, is the most speculative line, and must be considered as the regulator of the whole.


Consols opened at the closing price of yesterday-961 1, and the market has since been steady at that quotation. No material change occurred in Paris yesterday in the price of the Government Funds; a considerable ad- vance, however, took place in Railway Shares : these securities are all no- minally higher here this morning, though as yet not a single transaction in them is recorded in the official list. The Foreign Funds are all nominally at Yesterday's prices, with but little doing. The English Share Market is firm ; the following are the only bargains yet noted—Great Northern 181; Brigh- ton, 981; Midland, 561 1; North-western, 1151; North British, n. SATtrilDST, Two o'Cweir.. The English Funds have advanced 1, the closing price of Consols being 96i for Amount; the transactions of the morning have however, been unimportant. The business in the Foreign Market hiLl been confined to the following—Brazilian, 9415} ; Danish Three per Cents, 761; Mexican, 291 Peruvian, 941 1; Portuguese, Four per Cents, 331 331; Sardinian, Five per Cents, 901; Spanish Active, 231; Ditto Three per Cents, 411; Ditto Three per Cents Deferred, 181/ ; Venezuela, 37; Be pan Four-and-a-half Cents, 92; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, 59; Dutch Four per Cents,

91/ 91

The Share Market is firmer, although the transactions have not been numerous. The French Shares were firm to the close of business, and were afterwards generally from 58. to 70.6d. per share in advance of the prices here recorded. The following are the most important bargains—Aberdeen, 111; Amhergate, Notts, and Boston, 5; Caledonian, 151 ; Eastern Counties, 6/ 1; East Lancashire, 15/ 1 16k; Great Northern, 181 # ; Great Western, 861 1 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 62k 2; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 981 1; London and North-western, 1151 16; Ditto New Quarter- shares, 25; London and South-western, 851 4-1; Midland, 661 7; North British, fl I; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 15; Scottish Mid- land, n; South-eastern and Dover, 201 11; Royston and Hitchen Shipreth Extension, 81; Caledonian, 101., 71 ; Eastern Counties Extension 5 per Cent, No. 2, t I prem. ; Great Northern 6 per Cent, 131; London, Brighton, and South Coast, (late Croydon Thirds,) 147 6; Central of France, (Orleans and Vierzon,) 20; East Indian, 201; Namur and Liege, 6k ; Northern of France, 1811; Rouen and Havre, 101 1; Tours and Nantes, 9.

3 per Cent Consols 96 Dutch 21 per Cents

D Le for Account

96 Ditto 4 per Cents 581 91 91 3 per Cent Reduced 97 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846... 29 31 per Cents 98 Peruvian 6 per Cents

94 1 4

Long Annuities 7 1-16 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842.. 331 44 Bank Stock 216 17

Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824.

90 2 Exchequer Bills 56 59 pro. Russian 5 per Cents 112 14 India Stock 259 60 Ditto 41 per Cents 100 101 Brazilian 5 per Cents 946 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 231

Belgian 41 per Cents

92 4 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 411 2 Chilian 6 per Cents 101 3 Sardinian Scrip

Danish 5 per Cents 102 4 Ditto Bonds . 901 Ditto 3 per Cents 76 8