17 JANUARY 1852, Page 16



The Grenvilk Papers : being the Correspondence of Richard Grenville Earl Temple, KG.' and the Right Honourable George Grenville, their Friends and Contemporaries. Now first published from the Original MSS., formerly preserved at Stowe. Edited, with Notes, by William Ames Smith, Esq., formerly Librarian at Stowe. In two volumes.

Life and Letters of Joseph Story, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, and Dane Professor of Law at Harvard University. Edited by his Son, William W. Story. In two volumes.

An Account of the Danes and Norwegians in England, Scotland, and Ireland. By J. 3. A. Worsaae, For. F.S.A. London, a Royal Com- missioner for the Preservation of the National Monuments of Den- mark, &c. With numerous Wood-cuts.

India in Greece • or Truth-in Mythology : containing the Sources of the Hellenic Race, the Colonization of Egypt and Palestine, the Wars of the Grand Lama, and the Bud'histic Propaganda in Greece. By E. Po- cocke, Esq. Illustrated by Maps. The Delameres of Delamere Court ; a Love Story. By the Author of "‘ The Duchess." In three volumes.

Emily Howard; a Novel. By Mrs. Dunlop. In three volumes. The Two Families ; an Episode in the History of Chapelton. By the Author of "Rose Douglas." In two volumes. '1 he i'eerage, Baronetage, and Knightage of Great Britain ANT Ire- land, for 1852; including all the Third Classes. Twelfth Year. By Charles R. Dod, Esq., Author of "The Parliamentary Companion," &c.

[Mr. Dod goes on advancing his Peerage by new features, as well as im- proving the old. The birthplace of great men excites curiosity or interest ; why not, argues Mr. Dod, the birthplace of men of title? so, in this twelfth volume, an attempt has been made to ascertain and record the birthplace of every person who is the possessor or the next heir of any title of honour." Widows, again, whose husbands' titles have ceased to be, like those of knights., or those of baronets who were the last of their race, find a place for the first time in the book of honour. -Besides these novelties, " pallida more," or promotions—and the one is often connected with the other—have given rise to many changes, which are duly chronicled, even to the late change in the Foreign Office. Mr. Dod's book is evintly the Peerage.]

Thom's Irish Almanack and Ofcial DireetorA with the Post-office Dublin City and County Directory, for the year 1852. ThoM's Statistics of Ireland. 1852. From %hom's Irish Almanack and Directory, for 1852. [Dublin in detail, Ireland in full, the quality of the British Empire, and a glimpse of civilized states in general, is the characteristic of Mr. Thom's ninth annual publication. Court, Parliament, and Public Offices, at home and in the Colonies, are presented in their leading persona. There is a directory of Dublin city and county, as well as the statistics, provincial celebrities, and business information of the island, besides a variety of miscellaneous infor- mation, especially ecclesiastical and legal.

The Statistics of Ireland is an extract from the larger work : two hun- dred closely-printed pages of facts referring to the "first gem of the sea."]

Danish Fairy Legends and Tales. By Hans Christian Andersen. With

a Memoir of the Author.

[A complete and well-looking edition of Andersen's fairy tales and legends. All the previous translations published in this country have been little more than selections, not containing half the tales : this edition embraces all. The translation is new, made direct from the Danish, not through the German.] The Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell. Edited, with an Intro- duction, 14 Andrew R Scoble. [A cheap and neat edition of an American writer, forming one volume of a series of Transatlantic poets in course of publication here.] The Scarlet Letter; a Romance. By Nathaniel Hawthorne. (Railway Library.) [A shilling reprint of a singular work of a remarkable American author. "The Scarlet Letter" is one of the books selected by Miss Mitford, in her lately published Recollections, to note the genius of Nathaniel Hawthorne.] The Beauties of Nature ; and how far they Transcend those of Art in Landscape Gardening. A Poem. By James Sinclair. [An attempt to expound a new system of landscapegarclening, in verse. It may be doubted whether the author has succeeded in his scientific objects ; there is no doubt whatever as regards the poetical effort.] Key to Tate's Exercises on Mechanics and Natural Philosophy. By Thomas Tate, F.It.A.S., &e.


Chars Play. Seventeen Drawings. By E. V. B. The Little Sister. By Mrs. Harriet Myrtle. With sixteen Illustrations, by H. J. Schneider. Home and its Pleasures ; Simple Stories for Young People. By Mrs. Harriet Myrtle. With eight Illustrations by Hablot K. Browne. Aunt Lfe's Rhymes for Little Children. With twenty-four Illustra- tions, by Hablot K. Browne. Good in Everything ; or the Early History of Gilbert Harland. By Mrs. Barwell, Author of "Little Lessons for Tittle Learners," &c. With Illustrations by John Gilbert. Kindness and Cruelty ; or the Adventures of Edward and Stephen. A Tale. Translated from the German of Dr. Perner, Aulie Counsellor to H. M. the King of Bavaria, &c. With four Illustrations.

The Village Queen; or Summer in the Country. By Thomas Miller, Author of "Beauties of the Country," &c. With Water-Colour Draw- ings; by Edward Wehnert, John Absolon., William Lee, and Harrison Weir, Members of the New Society of Painters in Water-Colours.

New Tales from Faery Land. With Illustrations. [These eight gift-books are noticed separately under the head of Fine Arts.] To those About to Merry; showing How we (the Joneses) commenced Housekeeping. Designed and etched by Watts Phillips. t is scarcely necessary to say that the Joneses kept house in considerable discomfort, Of course, their house itself was lath-and-plaster, their cheap furniture a take-in, their chimnies smoked, the policeman accommodated himself in their kitchen, and Jones's mother-in-law was the death's-head of the establishment. Mr. Watts Phillips's invention in the concoction and presentment of such drawbacks to married happiness is of the ordinary kind.]


Romish Miracles ; a Lecture, by the Reverend John Cumming, D.D. The Church of Christ; two Lectures, by the Reverend John Cumming, D.D.

The Mystery of the Danube. Showing how, through secret Diplomacy., that River has been closed, Exportation from Turkey arrested, and the Reopening of the Isthmus of Suez prevented. By David Urqu- hart.

Louis Kossuth, 8re. By J. Toulmin Smith, Esq.

A letter to Lord John Russell, M.P., on the Benehers and the Bar. By D. W. Harvey, Esq. Coroners' Inquests. By the Coroner of Manchester.