17 JANUARY 1857, Page 9



The decline which took place on Saturday last was followed on Monday by a still further depression in English Securities. Consols opened at 934 94, and shortly afterwards receded to 93 11-16ths, sellers. Late in the afternoon, owing to improved prices from the Continent and some purchases on the part of the public, the market quickly rebounded to 941-16th, buyers,. Business was very brisk all day. Consols have duce shown considerablo steadiness ; the price varying between 931 and 94/. The demand for money at the Bank and in the Discount-market has again been very active, but has not been felt to any serious extent on the Stock Exchange. Since the recovery in Consols, prices generally have been remarkably well sup ported. The closing price in Consols this afternoon is sn Reduced, 93/ 4; New Three per Cents, 94/ f. Bank Stock has been negotiated today at 217 and 2161. Exchequer Bills have declined during the week about So.: business has been done today at both 28. discount and 2s. premium, the closing quotation. Foreign Stocks have been languid, and operations effected at somewhat lower ratesbut business altogether has been unimportant. Venezuela Bonds are per cent higher. Turkish Six per Cents are dull at 95; the Four per Cent Guaranteed retains its value, ranging between 1031. and 1031. Some transactions have taken place in Guatemala Bonds at 50 and 57.Spanish Stocks flat : the Three per Cents 40 ; Deferred, 231f ; Certificates, 516. In the Railway Market this week business has been rather more active, and Shares have in a great measure recovered from the late depression. There is scarcely any change in prices to announce. The fortnightlyaccount was arranged without difficulty ; the supply of money being ample, Coutangos ruled much easier ; indeed, the rate of continuation has not been so low for several Accounts, money being easily obtainable upon good aeeurity at very moderate rates. Foreign Railways have fairly maintained their price : the adjustment of the Account, however, has chiefly occupied attention. Luxembourg has been as low as 4t, but is now stationary at 5. Some very large purchases have been made in Great Indian Peninsula New Shares at 11 and 11 pmnihmi. The tone of the market is good, at an improvement in the quotation since last week of a per share-1 11-16 1 13-16 premium. 1 rench Shares tires, with no alteration in prices.

The Certificates of the Oxide Railway Companywere allotted on Tuesday ; the quotation is k lower. There is usually a preponderance of sellers on the day and for a few days after the allotment of shares in any new scheme: but several purchases have been made since Tuesday by the public, and the market is every now and then rather brisk ; the last priee is 1-16 to 4 premium. Oude Centrals are quoted 1-16 to 3-16 premium. A considerable business has been done in Punjaubs at between 4 and p premium. Little activity has been shown in most other descriptions. The markets close steady this afternoon all round. SATURDAY, TWELVE o'Cicea.

The Bank return of last night shows a decrease in the stock of bullion of 1422/. The Funds opened this morning at time closing prices of yesterday. Consols, after having been buyers, are now sellers at 94. Exchequer Bills 2s. discount to 2s. premium. Foreign Stocks and Railways without variation. Few transactions have as yet been negotiated. Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 34; Norfolk, 02; North-Eastern—Berwick, 841 ; North-Western, 84. SATURDAY, ONE o'Ciecx. English Stocks arc flatter. Consols have declined 4, and are now quoted with very little business doing. India Stock has been done at 221. Foreign Securities and English and Foreign Railways are a shade lower, but the operations have been unimportant. The following are the last transactions—Bristol and Exeter, 92k; Eastern Counties, 9!; Great Northern, 92; Great Western, 661; Lancashire and Yorkshire, '161; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1131; London and North-Western, 106; London and South-Western, 107; Midland, 82k; 31idlaml Great Western, (Ireland,) 54f ; Norfolk, 511 ; North-Eastern—Berwick, 844; Scottish Central, 108; South-Eastern, 741; Northern of France, 37f ; Paris and Orleans, 541. Joint Stock Bank;—Australasia, 961 ; Bank of Egypt, 184; Commercial of London, 271; London and County, 331. Miscellaneous— Canada Government 6 per Cent January and July, 1104; Electric Telegraph, 901.

The London Joint-Stock Bank dividend for the past half-year is 6/. Se.

per cent, with :: i,f Gd. tier share : making a distribution for the year of 254 per cent. The tone orthe remarks at the niectiq on Thursday, was very coegratulatory on the position of the bank. '1 Ito " amount due by the bank" is now 7,224,5271.; at 1st July lust it was 7,873,9531. The Colonial Bank have declared a dividend for the half-year at the rate of .5 per cent per annum. The position of the bunk is improving.

The advices from Constantinople state the names of the successful applicants for the concession of the National Imperial Bank to be—Sir Joseph Paxton M.P., Messrs. Cavley H.P., Ewart M.P., the Honourable henry Coke, H. Hunter, Laing 14.P., Scholefield M.1'., Fornie, Jackson M.P., Chown°, Darby, Brassey, Uzielli, and Risen. It is Elated that a large Continental combination also will probably be effected.

The dividend of the Brighton Railway is to be 31 per cent for the halfyear—a total of 6 per cent for 1856.

The dividend of the East and West India Dock Company is at the rate

6 per cent per annum. The Commercial Dock Company has declared a dividend at the rate of 5 per cent.

— Several new schemes have appeared in the money-market this week.

The "British Agricultural Company "—capital 100,0001.—is formed for supplying manures, agricultural implements, and food for stock. One kind of manure is to be that of the Javel Manure Company of France, made from the refuse of l'aris.

A company has been formed to work Dr. Normandy's patent for obtaining fresh water from sea water.

The " British Deep-Sea Fisheries Company "—capital 20010001.—propose to carry on operations 011 both the East and West coasts of Great Britain. A "California Water Company," with a capital of 310,000/., is advertised. It is proposed to buy up waterworks partially constructed in the county of Nevada the trade will consist in supplying gold-diggers with the water, which is indispensable for carrying on their work.

The "Ceylon Coolie Transport and Steam Navigation Company "—capital 50,0004—proposes to provide steamers for carrying coolies and merchandise between. Ceylon and the neighbouring islands and the Madras Presidency. The intelligence received from China on Monday gave increased animation to the tea-market ; and large transactions occurred in common congou, at enhanced prices. During the last year there was an extraordinary rise in the value of leather—from 50 to 100 per cent according to the sort—mainly caused, apparently, by the vast increase in the exports. The boot and shoe trade of Northampton, in public meeting assembled, have resolved to increase the prices of their goods in proportion to the enhanced value of leather.

CRYSTAL Pa/am—Return of admissions for six days ending Friday January 16th, including season-ticket-holders, 21,935.