17 JANUARY 1874, Page 12



(TO THE EDITOR OF THB "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Agreeing as I do entirely with Mr. Forsyth that "the Bath Letter had about as little to do with the result of the Bath election as with the transit of Venus," I must nevertheless correct him in respect to an error into which he has fallen. It is quite true, as he says, that no papers are published in Bath on Tuesday-, but he has overlooked the fact that daily papers are published in the neighbouring city of Bristol, and make their appearance in Bath daily at a very early hour. As a matter of fact, I first made acquaintance with the letter of Mr. Disraeli, on the morning after the meeting at which it was read, in the columns of a Bristol daily. Moreover, the letter was commented upon in an " extra " of a Bath Liberal paper issued in the course of the day to every elector of the city, though the text of the letter was not given. Finally, there is a Bath paper published on Wednesdays, and in, the number for that particular Wednesday the letter was published in full. I am not concerned now to offer my explanation of Mr. Forsyth's defeat. I am only writing to say that while I hold his general conclusion to be right, his pretuisses are not quite accurate.