17 JANUARY 1914, Page 14


[To BBB Bares or Tao arrrrar3s...j

SIB,—Your interesting article on the Mexican situation left off just at the most thrilling point. The United States bad willy-nilly extended their territory southward as far as the Panama Canal, acquiring thus a continuous coastline from one end of the Canadian border to the other (with the small exception of British Honduras). Now this increase of terri- tory southward is bound to be accompanied by a corresponding strengthening of the Southern vote as compared with the Northern ; and one cannot help wondering whether old sores are BO completely healed as to prevent a recrudescence of the bitter feelings of a short .half-century ago. Onc

remember, too, that in the event of strained relations arising within the United States, there is now a grown-up Canadian nation which will be capable of exercising a very considerable influence, if need be, in the balance of conflicting interests beyond its landward boundary. It is idle to expect that, as part of the British Empire, Canada will take no sides and exert no influence in any United States controversy. Its geographical position prevents any such detachment; and, moreover, in any question vitally affecting Canada, Ottawa will not brook any interference from London ; for if London is the centre of the British Empire now, Ottawa will be a second centre of practically equal importance at no very distant date. A state of strain in the United States is, in fact, almost bound to lead to a state of strain in the British Empire ; and the question arises, "Will Canada continue to look east, or will she begin to look south and throw in her lot with the great forces which are now shaping the destinies of the New World P " The question is not, I think, an idle one; for with every increase in the strength and importance of Canada the problem of the continuance of the British Empire as it now exists becomes more and more difficult. The problem will settle itself, no doubt, but it may not be in the way that