17 JANUARY 1914, Page 28

Booze of REFERENCE.—The International Whitaker, 1914. (J. Whitaker and Sons.

2s. net.)—This work, now in its second year, promises to become as much of an institution as the older Whitaker; and what could we say stronger than that P—The Co-operative Wholesale Societies Annual, 1914. (Co-operative Wholesale Society.)—This annual is always of interest outside the members of the Society, on account of the contributed articles by experts. Among the six in this issue, we would draw special attention to Mr. G. N. Barnes's admirable summary of "Thirty Years of the Trade Union Movement," based on intimate personal experience.— Sell's World's Press, 1914. (Sell.)—Willing's Press Guide. (James Willing. la.)—No lees than thirty thousand news- papers and periodicals are entered in the World's Press, whilst Willing's Guide devotes two hundred and twenty.nine pages to the names of those published in the United Kingdom alone. No wonder that we are invited by Messrs. Sell to consider whether newspapers are not too cheap I—The Churchman's Year Book, 1914. (A. R. Mowbray and Co. ls. 6d. net.)—An excellent annual summary of Anglican activities in an encyclopaedic form.