17 JANUARY 1925, Page 13

MEDIAEVAL LATIN [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, — The need

for a new Mediaeval Latin Dictionary has been urgently felt for the last twenty-five years, and various attempts have been made to supply the learned world with a " New Du Cange." An international committee, promoted by the " Union Acadernique Internationale," has now been working on this for two years. The international scheme is, for the present, limited to the period ending approximately in the eleventh century. The British Academy, which belongs to the " Union Academique," has accordingly appointed two committees, the first consisting of Professor Sir Paul Vinogradoff (chairman), Professor W. M. Lindsay, Dr. M. R. James, Dr. Plummer, Canon Watson, Messrs. G. G. Coulton, A. E. Lowe, C. T. Onions, M. L. W. Laistner, Dom. A. Wilmart, and Professor .1. H. Baxter (secretary), to co-operate with the international committee ; the second consisting of Sir Henry Maxwell Lyte, K.C.B. (chairman), Sir Israel Gollancz, Professors T. F. Tout and Claude Jenkins, Messrs. J. P. Gilson, A. G. Little, W. Page, R. J. Whitwell, and C. Johnson (secretary), to collect material from British sources for the period extending from the eleventh century to about A.D. 1600, with which the international committee does not deal.. Domesday Book will be the boundary between the two committees.

The New English Dictionary was only made possible by

the co-operation of a large number of contributors, who undertook to read particular books with a view to selecting suitable quotations, and to note them on -slips of uniform size. Similar assistance is invited from all those who know enough classical Latin-to enable-them to recognize non-classical words and usages.

Those who are willing to help are invited to write to Pro- fessor Baxter or to Mr. Johnson according as their interest is in the earlier or the later Middle Ages. If they have facilities for reading a particular text they are requested to name it when they write. Instructions and slips will be provided.—We are, Sir, &c.,


St. Mary's College, St. Andrews, Scotland. C. JOHNSON.

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