17 JANUARY 1936, Page 2

The Red Cross Bombing The Swedish Government is by no

means disposed to leave the bombing outrage at Dolo where it is. The- death-roll is now 42. An International Red Cross repre-. sentative has declared after inquiries on the spot that the bombing was. undoubtedly deliberate, and this was . in. effect admitted by the Italian authorities themselves: when they explained that it was a reprisal for the alleged beheading of Italian airmen. There has, moreover, been- circulated in Paris an article purporting to be written by Signor Farinacci, a leading member of the Fascist Grand Council, in the Fascist paper II Regime Fascists, which declares that every method legitimate and illegitimate must be used to annihilate the barbarians ; that the first step must be to rain on them hundredweights, and if necessary tons, of gas bombs, and that this would be, a suitable reception to give to the Swedish officers. who claim a place in the front line to help the armies of the Negus. The article, it may be observed, appeared a clear. month before the bombing attack at. Dolo. In view of the wealth of testimony available regarding the Dolo, affair, and the fact that this is by no means the only Red Cross unit which has suffered at the hands of Italian airmen, there is obviously here matter for a searching. inquiry both by the League of Nations and by the Inter- national Red Cross. Italy affects to dismiss the whole. matter as an unfortunate episode.