17 JANUARY 1936, Page 21


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sin,—" An outline of the philosophies of Kant and Hegel, in 43 pages " ! I only wish that I could have managed it. But, alas, the spoils of even the most ruthless evisceration of the philosophers take a little room in the garnering, and your reviewer has been so kind and gentle with me, that it would be churlish to repay him by allowing him to mislead possible readers of my Guide to Philosophy into thinking that they will not get their money's worth of the great Gemini philosophers. Briefly, then, Kant receives 43 pages all to himself and Hegel another 30, i.e., 73 in all.--I am, Sir, &e.,

4 East Beath Road, N.W. 3. C. E. M. Jos").