17 JANUARY 1936, Page 3

Conflict in Spain In Spain the .restoration of constitutional liberties,

suspended since the 1934 revolt, has not soothed political passions. Newspapers, after over a year of enforced silence, do not know where to begin with their attacks. The Right emphasises the cases of corruption in which deputies have been lately implicated. The Left demands satisfaction for the atrocities which accompanied the suppression of the revolt in the Asturias. And both Right and Left combine in their hatred of the Govern- ment's attempt to form a centre party, which, in fact, could not do more than gloss over the violent conflicts in Spanish life. Senor Gil Robles and the C.E.D.A. are making tremendous propaganda : the Republicans threaten to abstain from the polls : the Left are forming a prole- tarian front of Communists, Socialists, and Syndicalists. In this confusion, the decisive question in Spanish politics remains the same : whether the Revolution shall advance or be annulled : and it is clearer than ever that neither the 1934 revolt nor anything that has happened since has decided that question.