17 JULY 1830, Page 9

KING WILLIAM.—The gentlemen who furnish paragraphs for the Dailies, have

been mystifying the identity of his Majesty. He is, it seems, not one William, but four Williams rolled into one,—William I. of the United Kingdom ; William II. of Great Britain ; William III. of Scotland ; and William 1V. of England. He is, moreover, we are informed by the same extremely original authorities, the first English William ; the two first being Normans, the third a Dutchman. PROMOTIONS.—A general naval and military promotion will take place on the 21st instant, the day prior to that on which his Majesty;. William IV., will hold his first Levee. The promotion of Captains to rank of Rear-Admiral will extend only to Captain F. L. Maitland, C. B., now in command of his Majesty's ship Wellesley; comprehend- ing, therefore, those who attained the rank of Captain within the period from June 14, 1799, to March 21, 1801 (inclusive). A proportionate number of Officers in the other ranks of the profession will be promoted. This promotion will create vacancies in all the yachts, the four Colo. nelcies of Marines, and three Commissionerships, if the officers who hold. these appointments take their flags. As the ensuing promotion of Vice. Admirals to the rank of Admiral will include Sir Philip Durham, and will render that officer ineligible for the command at Sheerness, Vice. Admiral Sir John Beresford is to succeed to it. Captain Fitzclarence, it is said, is to be . appointed.to the Royal George.yacht.....Hampshire Telegs4li. )NEWMARKET JULY MEETING.—We cannot better characterize :these races than in the words of the reporter : " The meeting has been dull, the company thin, the sport indifferent, the betting flat, the whole affair without interest or attraction." This being the case, we need not load our columns with the details. From the same excellent authority we quote the following bit of family history, which future sportsmen will do well to remember. " The Duke of Portland's Emily colt has been christened Aznphiaraus ; and Mr. Payne's two-year old colt, bry Tramp, out of Sister to Sultan, is now called "Turk.' "

The King does not, it seems, intend to sell the stud of his predecessor; lie has expressly declared that he will retain it for the purpose of en- couraging the noble national sport—of being cheated, for the only other alternative of the noble national sport does not, of course, apply to royalty.

'KING'S COUNSEL IN Tema/in.—The Dublin Register says, that O'Connell's name has been left out in the list of King's Counsel lately nominated at the Irish bar. Mr. Brougham and Mr. Denman were accused of insulting the King, and they were past all doubt personally disliked by him; yet their talents obtained for them what was tanta- mount to an appointment as King's Counsel. O'Connell never insulted either the last King or the present; but he has frequently insulted the Duke of Wellington, Sir Robert Peel, and Mr. O'Doherty, the Irish Solicitor-General (a greater man than either), and hence he is passed over. " lie that spits at the wind spits in his own face." O'Connell's exclusion will not take a sixpence out of his pocket, but it may keep many pounds out of the pockets of some half-hundred of the O'Doherties, who would be glad to play second fiddle to him if etiquette permitted them. Was it not said, that under the reign of " the Sailor King," we were to have done with such trumpery acts,—that manliness and down- rightness were to take the place of paltry caprice and underhand dealing?

SIR WALTER SCOTT.—Sir Walter, we understand, has bid adieu to his labours in the Parliament House, and retires from his situation as a Principal Clerk of Session; • and we believe that his example will probably be followed by another Baronet.—Caledonian Mercury. [We wish the .Mercury had been a littlb more communicative.] SIR WILLIAM KNIORTON.—Sir William was formerly an Assistant- Surgeon at the Royal Naval Hospital, under the late Mr. Geach. He practised a considerable time in Devonport as a surgeon, and afterwards removed to Plymouth, where he married the sister of a highly respect- able merchant, now a magistrate. It is said that Sir William Knighton was introduced to his Majesty by the Marquis Wellesley.—Devonport Telegraph. ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC.—The Committee of Management have published the report for 1829, of the state and prospects of this institution ; to which are appended lists of the pupils whose education has been completed, and who have become professors in the different branches of music, as well as of the pupils whose musical education is in progress at this establishment. The whole of last year's expenses have amounted to 31091. I9s. Id., and the receipts to 3379/. 8s. 9d., leaving a balance placed to the credit of this year of 2691. 9s. 8d. Among the receipts we find 21451. Os. 9d. contributed by the pupils themselves, and' 9781. 12s. of donations, including the King's. There is also a dividend on 16001. stock in the Four per Cents. The present number of pupils at the Academy, including some who are employed as Sub-professors, is forty-one males, and twenty-nine females. Those who have left it amount to fifty-nine males and seventy-nine females. 44 The Committee have much satisfaction in acquainting the friends and patrons of the Royal Academy of Music, that the success of the institu. tion has been clearly evinced by the great encouragement which their most distinguished pupils have received throughout the country." At the same time, the report continues, " the Committee would be wanting in their duty, if they did not state that agreat object is still to be attained, which is, that, by an increase of funds, they may be placed in a situation to extend the benefits of the education afforded in this institution to those natives of this country who are distinguished by genius and talent, but who have not the means of contributing the sums which are necessarily required from the pupils to defray in part the expenses of their educa- tion."

iLESSONS ne Goon BREEDING.—On Wednesday last, the family of Mr. Harker, f Barlow, were thrown into great consternation by the lightning. it forced out the kitchen-window, shivered a steel fender, damaged many other articles in the house, and killed a cat which sat on the hearth. Mr. H. was sitting by the fire, with his hat on, which the lightning took from his head and dashed through the window.—Sheffield Mercury. [Mr. Harker has not read our essay on wearing hats ; he must " never no more" sit covered in the house.]

RAIN.—The fall of rain at Manchester in-the months of April, May, and June, in the present year, exceeds the fall in those months not only on the average of the last twenty years, but for any one year in that period.

WOOLLEN TRADE.—The manufacture of worsted goods has been increasing every year for some years past, and we believe we may ven- ture to say, that the sale of those fabrics in the Piece Halls of Halifax and Bradford was never larger than on Saturday and Thursday last.— Leeds Mercury. LEGAL MEASURE.—A clause in the new Beer Bill directs publicans to deliver beer to their customers in vessels of legal size. The penalty in the old act was for refusing to deliver. • PUBLIC CHARITIES.—The Act which continued the commission to inquire into public charities expired on the 1st of this month. There will probably be a Commission next year, to condense and render intel- ligible the labours of their predecessors, as was the case with the Irish education Commissions.

AN ANTIQUE.—A Phoenician inscription has been discovered in Sicily. Its date is 2,025 years before the Christian era. It is accompanied by a apbsequent Greek translation. It speaks of a great famine that had Inken.place in Canaan, and of the expatriation of a great number of its inhabitants, who established themselves in the dominion of an Atlantic !since, who reigned;there, but whose name is unfortunately .effaced in Alreek session. Copies of this inscription ske.t0 be sent to she Re- vans of Paris.—Joisrnal .des Wats. [Fudge ! The invention of the Phoenician character does imago so far back by five hundred years:] BAY-WOOD.•-•It is anticipated that not more than one-half of the mahogany usually exported from Honduras will be procured this season, from the-floods having set in so early as the 26th of May. EMIGRATIow.—The number of emigrants from the port of Hull Iasi year (April 1829 to April 1830) was 2594, of whom 1540 were males. These were for Quebec. The emigrations to New York, between February and Juhe, were 299. The number who emigrated for nine years previ- ous to 1829, did not average 280. PORTUGUESE LOAN.—It is said, but we do not know With what truth, that Miguel has succeeded in negotiating a loan for two millions,, which will produce, Trom the rate at which the• bonds are selling in Lis- bon (62), about 1,500,0001. The contractors are Messrs. Orr and Goldsmid, of Paris. The repayment is to be made in twenty-five years.

FRENCH INGENUITY.—The following are some details, which are quite new, respecting the tempest which attacked the fleet and transports at the anchorage of Sidi-Ferruch.—",The forces had no more than three days' provisions. The bad weather seemed. to increase and to continue. The wind drove the fleet strongly upon the coast. The transports dragged their anchors, broke from their moorings, and cut their cables ill order to bear out to sea. Their situation appeared dreadful ; but the Navy and the Civil Staff which was onboard the transports, were pene- trated with no idea but that of leaving the land forces without stores and provisions. Under these circumstances the Commissary-General ordered more than a hundred and fifty packages of provisions to be thrown into the sea, casks of wine and brandy, &c., not to lighten the vessels, but that the sea and the wind, which bore towards the coast, might make them reach our soldiers. Accordingly, the sea cast them upon the coast, when the men in the camp of Sidi-Ferruch hastened to collect them, and put them in the stores. Very few articles have been lost in this strange mode of unloading. The packages had been provided beforehand, at Toulon, with a triple water-proof covering, which might preserve them from leakage during the passage, and render it.possible to throw them in this way into the sea."—Le Globe.

CRUELTY IN THE BAHAMAS.---The Honourable John Lees, a mem- ber of the Council, Robert Duncombe, a Police Magistrate, and two other Justices of the Peace, have been deprived of office by the Governor, for " disgraceful, inhuman, and unmanlyproceedings towards several slaves." The charge was, flogging five men, one boy, and eight women. The slaves punished were part of a gang belonging to. Lord Rolle, whose agent Mr. Lees was. Having gone off in a boat, with a view to fay their com- plaints before the Governor, they were pursued and overtaken ; and Mr. Lees, waving the charge of felony with the concurrence of the three Justices of the Peace, had them punished, the men with fifty, and the boy and women with thirty-nine lashes each, as runaways. Had they been tried for the felony of stealing the boat, the case must have been heard by the General Court, and the Governor could have judged of it ; whereas, by the summary procedure adopted, no record remained on which to form a judgment. The Governor dwells greatly on the " disgrace to humanity" in flogging the women, two of whom were giving suck, and a third was great with child. TRIBUTES PAID BY DIFFERENT GOVERNMENTS TO ALGIERS.— Naples and Sicily paid an annual tribute of 24,000 Spanish dollars. Tuscany, by treaty of 1823, was exempt of tribute, but made Consular presents of 25,000 ditto. Sardinia is indebted to the mediation of Eng- land for her freedom from tribute, but she has paid considerable sums at every change of Consuls. Portugal concluded a treaty similar to that of Naples. Spain was subject to no tribute, but made presents at every change of Consuls. Austria, through the mediation of the Porte, was exempt from tribute and presents. England made a present at every change of Consuls. The United States adopted the same arrangement as England. Hanover and Bremen, under the protection of England, obtained the same condition, but their Consuls paid large sums on ar- riving at Algiers. Sweden and Denmark paid annually a tribute of warlike ammunitions and naval stores to the value of about 4,000 pi- asters. Besides this, these states gave, on the renewal of the treaties every ten years, presents to the amount of 10,000 dollars ; and their- Consuls, on entering on their functions, made presents to the Dey.— French Paper. LIEUTENANT DE BOURMONT.—This young officer, son of the • Commander-in-Chief of the African expedition, was wounded on the 24th inst. at the head of the Grenadiers of the 49th Regiment, while scaling the wall of a garden occupied by the Turks. The ball entered the breast, and came out at the back, passing near the ribs.

SPIRIT OF THE FRENCH BAR.—The President of the Tribunal of St. Girons lately sent M. Sentenac, a barrister, to prison, for saying that lie began to he weary of the treatment he experienced, The whole of the Bar followed their brother not only to the prison, but into it ; and remained in it shut up with him until an order arrived from the judge for his liberation. IMPORTANT, IF TRUE.—A French paper states that a Professor Bader of Munich has discovered the philosopher's stone, and that he gives lec- tures on it to select audiences. We can believe one-half of this statement at least ; and that is snore than we should be justified in saying of all the statements of the French papers, or even the English. EUROPEAN Anattes.—According to the Journal de Gand, the mill-, tary force of Europe amounts, at the present moment, to two millions and a half ; the general average being about 1 soldier to every 92 hus- bandmen and artisans. In Denmark there is 1 soldier for every 51 in- habitants ; in Russia l in 57 ; in Switzerland l in 60 ; in Prussia 1 in 76; in Sweden and Norway 1 in 83; in Turkey 1 in 92 ; in Bavaria 1 in 113 ; in Austria I in 118 ; in the Netherlands 1 in 119 ; in France and Portugal 1 in 139; in the kingdom of Sardinia 1 in 163; in the British Islands 1 in 229; in the kingdom of Naples I. in 247; in Spain 1 in 278; in Tuscany 1 in 318; • in the States of the Pope 1 in 431. This statement may enable us to form an estimate of the expense of the military establishment of the different states, but their relation to the necessities of the state depends on other data Allowing for the density of population in England, for instance, we have more soldiers compared with our requirements than Russia, where, though in a higher ratio to the numbers, the military bears an infinitely smallerratio to the territory to be 4Ieteated;