17 JULY 1830, Page 20


OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, July 12.—Royal Regiment of Artillery : C. Percival!, Gent. from the 6th Dragoons, to be Veterinary Surgeon, vice Coward, placed on half-pay. WAR-OFFICE, July 16.-1st or Grenadier Guards : Ens. and Lieut. H. FitzRoy to be Adj. vice Vernon, who resigns the Adjutancy only-23rd Foot : W. L. Wil- loughby, Gent. to be Second Lieut. by purchase, vice Lord H. Beauclerk, appointed to the 87th Foot-33rd Foot : Ens. J. Williamson to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Miller, who retires ; F. Todd, Gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Williamson- 36th Foot—Lieut. R. W. Wake to be Capt. by purchase, vice Mitchell, who retires; Ens. A. Nugent to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Wake ; J. Fleury, Gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Nugent--43rd Foot : Ens. F. P. Sanders to be Lent. without pur- chase, vice Thomas, appointed Adjutant ; Gentleman Cadet J. T. W. Jones, from the Royal Military College, to be Ens. vice Sanders; Lieut. J. Thomas to be Adju- tant, vice Harris, promoted-67th Foot : Serj1.-Major W. Fisher, from the 77th Foot, to be Adjutant, with the rank of Ens. vice Deverell, who resigns the Adju- tancy only-74th Foot: R. Maxwell, Gent, to be Ens. by purchase, vice De Koren, who retires-79th Foot: Brevet Lieut.-Col. D. M'Dougall, from the half-pay, to be Major, vice Marshall, appointed Inspecting Field Officer of Militia in Nova Scotia- 80th Foot : Capt. J. Haggerstone,from the half-pay, to be Capt. vice H. S. Stephens, who exchanges—S7th Foot : Capt. Hon. N. H. C. Massey to be Major, by purchase, vice Rowan, who retires ; Lieut. J. Hassard to be Capt. by purchase, vice Massey; Second Lieut. A. Thompson to be First Lieut. by purchase, vice Hassard ; Second Lieut. Lord H. Beauclerk, from the 23rd Foot, to be Second Lieut. vice Thompson.

The undermentioned Officers, actually holding situations on the Staff, to be pro- moted to unattached commissions To be Lieut.-Colonels of Infantry—Brevet Col. Hon. J. Ramsay, half-pay Clanalpine Fencibles ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. G. C. D'Aguilar, half-pay 91st Foot ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. C. Turner, half-pay 135th Foot ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. Sir G. Campbell, Bart. half-pay 6th Foot ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. C. IT. Churchill, half-pay ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. H. G. Smith, half-pay ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. E. Snodgrass, half-pay Portuguese Officers • Brevet Lieut.-Col. H. B. Mania, half- pay 86th Foot ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. Lord 1.T. H. Somerset, half-pay Watteville's half- Rey Brevet Lieut.-Col. T. Drake, half-pay as Permanent Assist.-Quartermaster General. To be Majors of Infantry—Brevet Lieut.-Col. C. L. L. Foster, half-pay 6th West India Regt. ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. R. Egerton, half-pay 84th Foot ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. W. Staveley, half-pay ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. G. Evatt, half-pay 2nd Gar- rison Battalion; Brevet Lieut.-Col. W. Beresford, half-pay 31st Foot ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. J. Shaw, half-pay 43rd Foot ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. T. N. Harris, half-pay 1st Dragoon Guards; Brevet Major C. Wood, half-pay 22nd Light Dragoons. The undermentioned Officers, who have been removed lately from Staff si- tuations in Ireland, in consequence of reduction, to be promoted to unattached Commissions :—To be Lieut.-Colonels of Infantry—Brev. Col. E. J. O'Brien, half- pay Princess Charlotte of Wales's Fencible Infantry ; Brev. Col. R. Owen, half-pay 5th Garrison Battalion. To be Major of Infantry—Brevet Major J. C. Smith, half- pay 61st Foot. Brevet—Major A. Campbell, of the 9th Light Dragoons, to be Lieut.- Col. in the Army. Staff—Major W. Marshall, from 79th Foot, to be Inspecting Field Officer of Militia in Nova Scotia, with the rank of Lieut.-Col. in the Army, vice M`Dougall. Hospital Staff—Deputy-Purveyor M. Wreford, from the half-pay, to be Deputy Purveyor to the Forces, vice R. Tucker.