17 JULY 1875, Page 2

Mr. Cross took his "Employers' and Workmen's Bill" and his

"Conspiracy and Protection of Property Bill" almost through committee last Monday, and in relation to the latter, he made great concessions to Mr. Lowe's very wise suggestion that the penal clauses should be limited to no particular classes, but be applicable to members of any class committing the same offence. The word "person" was in general substituted for the word "workman," and in relation to the provision punishing "coer- cion" and "intimidation," Mr. Cross produced a new clause, the words of which were perfectly general, and adapted to meet the case of any one who tries to coerce any one else by intimidation, or by following him about, or by concealing any part of his property (rattening), or any such measure. This new clause of Mr. Crow's was coneidered again yesterday afternoon, and accepted.