17 JULY 1909, Page 12


[10 TER EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sut,—May I express my appreciation of the wisdom and good sense of the article in your issue of July 10th, "How Shall We Govern India"? I think that to consideration of the interests of the people of India might be added the interests of the British Empire outside India, though both are largely identical. The situation in a way resembles that which led to the election of Aristides as Archon. Every elector nomi- nated himself first, and Aristides second. I write from. Memory of schooldays. So the nationalities and religious sects which make up "India," though they may, as you write, heartily dislike British rule, would each in the first place

desire predominance for itself, but would undoubtedly give Brifish'goVernment as the alternative. We may infer from this that government by the British best meets the general consensus of Indian opinion.—I am, Sir, &c.,

GEO. CHEYSTIE, 00101101.

Sher* Heath Lodge, Parnhain.