17 JULY 1915, Page 12


[To THE EDITOR Or TRU "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Many persons disregard Lord Roberts's and Lord Kitchener's counsels in this matter because, they say, as soldiers they are prejudiced. They may, perhaps, give more heed to a civilian. The great patriot, Niceolo preaching, so to speak, from the text "Money is not the sinew of war, as men commonly think," begins a chapter of his book on Livy in this way Before taking part in a war, a prince should consider his strength and act accordingly. A prudent one will take the greatest care to make no mistake in this estimate. But he always will mistake, if he relies on money, or the site of his dominion, or the goodwill of his subjects, when he is weak in soldiers. For tho things I have mentioned increase your strength but do not give it you; and are of no use whatever, unless you have trusty soldiers."—(Discorsi copra la prima deca d6 TO o Livia, II., 10.)