17 JULY 1915, Page 14


[To FRB EDITOR Or Tan " BrzarrroR."1 Sin,—The present admonitions by Cabinet Ministers and others on the necessity for practising economy and thrift during the continuance of these trying times, and after, make no allusions to that spirit of true independence pro- duced by a contented mind which goes to the root of the whole matter.. The advice given us seems to be based by one rulers and guides upon the low ground of expedienoy. it may be that, in your opinion, the following translation by Mr. A. Cowley from Martial, Lib. II., Epig. 53, comes near to touching the spot :- "Would you be free S 'Tis your chief wish, you say.

Come on, I'll shew thee, friend ! the certain way. If to no feasts, abroad, thou lov'st to go, Whilst bounteous God does bread at home bestow ; If thou the goodness of thy eloaths dost prize, By thine own use, and not by others' eyes ; If (only safe from weathers) thou canst dwell In a small house—but a convenient shell; If thou, without a sigh, or golden wish,

Canst look upon thy beechen bowl and dish :

If in thy mind such power and greatness be, The Persian King's a slave, compared with thee."

Kirkby Lonsclale, Westmorland.