17 JULY 1915, Page 15


[To MR EDITOR OF TITS "Srscramn."] BI R,—As you were so kind as to publish in a previous issue of your paper my letter galling attention to a concert to be given in aid of the Fund for the children of French soldiers, I hope you will be able to find space for the enclosed notiee.—I am, ,Sir, &c., A Grand Concert, followed by an afternoon tea, for which Lady Cowdray has kindly lent her house, 16 Carlton House Terrace, will be held on Wednesday, July 21st, at 3.30, under the patronage of Millicent, Duchess of Sutherland. The proceeds will be devoted to the Fund for the children of French soldiers, " Le Bemoan." The object of this entertainment is to help the children born since the outbreak of the war by providing, in cases of need, assistance to the mothers.

Amongst those who will take part are Mlle. Gabrielle Dorziat, of the "Theatre du Vaudeville" of Paris ; Mr. Gervase Elwes, the well-known singer ; Mr. Arthur Rubinstein, the famous Polish pianist, in Chopin's popular romances, &o. A scene from the Comedic 1talienne of the seventeenth century will be danced by Mlles. Dimitriu and Caryatis, of the "Theatre dos Arts" and the "Odeon," to the music of Scarlatti performed by an instrumental quartette. This will be followed by a selection of old French dances especially arranged for this occasion and performed by Mlle. Johnson, prentUre danseuse of the Paris Op6ra. Tea will follow at 5.30.

Committoo—President: Mr. V. Hussey Walsh. Members : the Marchioness of Downshire, Julia Marchioness of Tweeddale, the Countess of Dunmore, the Countess of Donoughmoro, the Countess of Essex, the Countess of Ilehester, the Viscountess Midleton, the Lady Edward Spencer Churchill, the Lady Cowdray, the Lady Denman, the Lady St. Holier, the Hon. Mrs. W. IL tionchen, Lady Guillotnard, Lady Mellor, Mrs. Henry Allhusen, Mrs. Leggett, Mrs. Saxton Noble, the IIon. Walter J. James, Messrs. J. St. Loo Strachey, John Sargent, RA., H. Harris Brown, RA., Edmund Gesso, C.B., Henry James, G. P. Jaconib-Hood, M.V.O., Edmund Dulae, Hon. Secretary : Mlle. Germaine Colas.

Tickets to ho had at one guinea each from the Lady St. Holier, 52 Portland Place, and the other ladies of the Committee; from

the Hon. Secretary, Mlle. G. Colas, 1 Embankment Gardens, Chelsea; and also from Keith, Prowso, and Co., Ltd., 162 Now Bond Street, and branches.