17 JULY 1915, Page 2

The President's answer to the German Note is expected to

be despatched early next week. In these circumstances it is hardly worth while to waste time on an elaborate forecast. We will, however, venture to predict one thing. President Wilson will not follow the advice of Dogberry to the watch. When Dogberry charged the watch to call on "all vagrom men" to stand, the watch met him with the query: " How if a' will not stand? " "Why, then, take no note of him, but ]et him go, and presently call the rest of the watch together, and thank God you are rid of a knave." That is exactly what the President would be doing if he were to "take no note" of Germany's amazing answer, or rather want of answer, to his definite and specific request for assurances that Germany will act in future on lines exactly opposite to those followed by her in the past in submarine warfare.