17 JUNE 1843, Page 21



On the 1st of June, at Eaton Square, the Latta' MARY CHRISTOPHER. of a daughter. On the 6th, at St. Paul's Parsonage, Birmingham, the Lady of the Rev. COLIN CAIIPBELL, of a daughter. On the 9:h. at Loughtou Rectory, Bucks, the Lady of the Rev. Joan ATHAWES, M.A.,

of a daughter.

On the 13th, at Chesbam Place, the wife of J. D. WATTS RUSSELL. Esq., M.P., of

a son.

On the 11th, at Dawlish. the Lady of Capt. W. W. C HA MB FRS. R.N., of a daughter.

On the 14th. in Manchester Square, the Lady of R.W. GAUSSLN. Esq., of Brook- man's Park. Heats, of a son and heir.

On the 12th, iu Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, the Lady of Sir GEORGE BARER, Bart., of a son and heir.


On the 2511, March, at Barraclqw.re. Lieutenant Mousey STAPLES, Sistv.eiglith Regi- ment Bengal Native Infantry. second son of the Rev. Dr. Staples. of Gowran. county of Kilkenny. Ireland, to AUGUSTA, daughter of the late Colonel FAITHFUL, of the Brat-

gal Artillery. On the 4th April, at Malligaum. Bombay Presidency, by the Reverend Philip An-

derson. M.A., CHARLES EDWARD FRASER TILLER, Esq., of the Civil Service, to ETHEL. BED, daughter of JOHN Sr. Mem, Esq.. of Stoke Newington, Middlesex. On the 6th Julie. at Banchory, Jour; CARR, Esq., second son of the late John Carr. of Dunstou Hill, Esq., to ELIZABETH, daughter of Sir ALEX. RAMSEY, of Balmain, Kiu-

cardinshire. Bart.

On the 10th, at Hove Church. Brighton, EDWARD WALTER BONHAM. Esq.. second son of the late Henry Bonham. Esq.. 111.1... of Orsett. Essex, to ELIZABETH ANNA, eldest daughter of Colonel Sir Hexer noon, Batt. On the 1201, at liedale, the Rev. A. HAMMOND. to HARRIET CHARLOTTE, eldest daughter of Admiral Sir JOHN P. BEREEFORD. Batt.. K.C.B. On the 13th, at St. Margaret's. Westminster. Captain Armors. R.N.. son of General Sir George Anson, G.C.B., to SARAH ANN, second daughter of the late RICHARD POTTER, Esq., of Manchester. On the 11th. at Greenwich. wILTJAM BRADFORD. Esq., of East Ogwell, Devon, to the daughter of JAMES DOMVILLE. Esq., M D.. of the Royal Hospital. On the 13th, at Rosefield Avenue Cottage, Portobello. WILLIAM THOMSON. Esq., As- sistant Commissary-General to the Forces. to BARBARA MADELINE GORDON SINCLAIR, eldest daughter of the late William Sinclair, of Fiera. ick, Esq.


On the 1st June. at Gottingen. Professor BAtree. K.H. ; in his 74th year. On the 5th, at Clairol, Elm. Widow of the late Major General Sir Amos Noaccerr,

On the I Ith, at his residence. Chester Terrace. Regent's Park, GRIFFITH RICHARDS, Esq.. nor of her Majesty's Counsel ; in his 47th year. Ou the 11th, at his residence in the Upper Foundation. Windsor Castle. Captain CUMMING. Governor of the Military Knights of Windsor; in his 60th year. On the 11th. et Manchester Square. Captain ARTHUR JAMES CALDWELL, only sou of Sir James Caldwell, K.C.B.; in his 43.1 year.

On the 12th. at her residence, on Woolwich Common. Lady SAVAGE, relict of Meier. General Sir JOHN BLISCAWEN SAVAGE, K.C.B.. LL.B., whom she survived only three months.

Ou the 12th, iu an attack of epilepsy. at his house, Camden Street. Camden Town, the Rev. SAMUEL KIDD. Professor of Chinese in Uuiversity College, London. Ou the 12th, at his house, Westcombe Park, Greenwich, Tomes BROCHLEBANK, Esq.; in his 69th year.

On the 13th. at the Convent. New Hall, Essex. ELIZABETH MARY Recus, eldest daughter of Sir ROBERT GERARD. of Gerswood, a professed. Nun of the Order of Sepal- °brines filly three years, and Prioress of the Convent for twenty-seven years; iu her 724 year.

On the 15th. Turmas LEWIN. Esq.. of the Hollies, Kent ; in his 91st year. At Belize, Honduras, the Rev. EDWARD WILLIAM CLARICE. eldest sou of the late Dr. 'Edward Daniel Clarke, and Rector of Great Yeldham, Essex.