17 JUNE 1843, Page 21


WAR-OFFICE. June 16.-1st Regt, Life Guards-Lieut. Lord T. C. P. Clinton to be Capt. by purchase, vice Brevet Major C. Hall. who retires; Cornet and Sub Lieut. G. 'II. Cavendish tube Lieut. by purchase, lice Lord T. C. P. Clinton ; J, Leslie, Gent. an be Cornet and Sub Lieut. by purchase. lice Cavendish. 3d Drag. Guards-Assis:- Sing. T. J. Tufnell, from the 44th Foot, to be Assist-Stag. vice Colelough. appointed to the 1st Regt. Life Guards. 12th Regt. Foot-Capt. P. F. Blake. from the 87111 Foot, to be Capt. vice Boyd. who exchattges. 24th Foot- Ensign J. II. Lutman to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Greig, promoted to the 3d West India Regt. ; R. Ruttledge. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Lutman. 30th Foot-W. Brea brooke. Gent. to be Assist.- Sing. vice Cockburn. appointed to the Royal Reg. of Horse Guards. '324 Foot-Lieut: Gen. Sir J. Buchan. K.C.B. from the 95th Foot, to be Cul. vice Gen. Sir R. Macfarlaue, K.C.B. dec. 36th Foot-Capt. C. Trollope to be Major, by purchase, vice Cairoes, who retires ; Lieut. C. A. Goodman to be Capt. by purchase, vice Trollupe; Ensign 0. H. Harries to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Goodman; F. Palmer. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Harries. 44th Foot-Assist. Surg. T. Bartlett. from the 51st Foot. to be Assist.-Sorg. vice Tufuell, appointed to the 3d Drag. Guards. 51st Foot -G. C. Mickle- ham, Gent. to be Assist.-Sorg. Nice Bartlett, arpotuted to the 44th Foot. 80th Foot - To be Carta. without purchase-Lieutenant Richard Talbot Sayers, vice Skeffington, dec.; Lieutenant Rinaldo Scheberras. vice Beers, dec. To be Lieuts. without purchase- Ensign H. A. Welman. vice Sayers; Ensign R. B. Warren, vice Scheberras. To be be Ensigns, without purchase-W. F. A. Colman. Gent. lice Welmao; 13. G. J. Bowler, Gent, vice Warren, 87th Foot -emit. J. Boyd, from the 12th Foot, to be Vert vice Blake, who exelnulges; Lieut. Lord .1. Chichester, to be Capt. without pur- chase, vice Brevet Maj. r Kenelly. deceased; Sec.. Lieut. J. R. Williugton to be First- Lieut. vice Lord J. Chichester; Gent. Cadet A. IL Cobbe, from the Royal Military College, to be Sec.-Lieut. vice Willington. 89th Foot-Major A. S. II. Aplin to be Lieut..Col. without purchase, vice J. L. Basden, who retires upon full pay ; Breldt- Majoz IL Lewis to be Major, Nice Apliu : Lieut. J. D. Macdonald to be Capt. vice Lewis; Ensign F. Y. 3. Stewart to be Lieut. vice Macdonald; Gent. Cadet R. B. XeuvedY, from the Royal Military College, to be Ensign, vice Stewart. 95th Foot-

LientsGeu. G. G. C. L'Estrauge, C. B. to be Col. %ice Sir J. Buchan, appointed to the 32d Foot, Rifle Brigade.--LieuL H. S. Waddington to be Capt. by purchase, vice Belson, who retires; See..Lieut. S. Stewart, to be First-Lieut. by purchase, vice Waddiugtun : H. D. Ferguson. Gent. to be Sec.-Lieut. by parchase. vice Stewart. 3d West India Regt.-Lieut. J. J. Greig, from the 24th Foot, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Burke, oho retires.

iluattached.-Major R. Mullen, from the 1st Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. without pur- chase. Brevet-Major 0, D. Ainsworth, from the 5.st Foot, to be Major, without Purchase. Lieut. T. M. By rue, from the 1st Foot, to be Capt. witboutrurehase.