17 JUNE 1848, Page 19



3 per Cent Camels

Ditto for Account *per Cents Reduced 31 per Cents

Long Annuities

Bank Stock, 9 per Cent India Stock, 104 Exchequer Bills, 3d. per diem India Bonds, 44 per Cent


Maryland (Sterling) 6 - Chilian French 3 -

Indiana (Sterling) 6 -

Belgian 44 Mexican Brazilian Buenos Ayres

Dutchh (Ex. 12 Guilders) - 29 -

Ditto 4 - Illinois 6 - Kentucky - Louisiana (Sterling) 6 - Austrian Sp. Ct. 53 Massachusetts (SterUng)...6 p.Ct Danis 3 -

Ditto 6 --

Ditto 24 Michigan

(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) 6 Mk Mississippi (Sterling) 4 6 - — New York (1868) ..... A -

6 Ohio 5 — Pennsylvania 5

45 f. Ditto 3 - -- RU5s11111 6

894 Ditto (Passive) 654 Venezuela Active 424 Peruvian - al Ditto 3 76 Ditto (Deferred)

634 Portuguese 5 -

28 Spanish 6 -


6 —.


(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Doers-

R•II.W111- London 76 Caledonian Eastern Counties London Brighton and South Coast London and Blackwell Midland North British Northern and Eastern South-western East and West India . 116 St. Katherine.. Edinburgh and Glasgow Lancashire and Yorkshire Lancaster and Carlisle London and North-western South-eastern and Dover York, Newcastle, and Berwick Great Northern Great North of England .. Great Western Hull and Selby

York and North Midland 31S14

1014 101 123 314 41i 144 894 44 230 994 224 494 24f 47 324 66 54




Australasian British North American Colonial Commercial of London London Joint Stock National or Ireland National Provincial . Provincial of Ireland Bolanos London and Westminster Union of London Brazilian Imperial Cobre Copper Royal Mail Steam Union of Australia Ditto (St. John Del Rey) Australian Agricultural Peninsular and Oriental Steam South Australian Canada General Steam BANK OF ENGLAND.

An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 10th day of June I848.


Notes Issued £27,132,273 Government Debt £11,815,110

Other Securities 2981,900 Gold Coiu and Bullion 11,727,177 Sliver Bullion 1,404,998 £27,1322,275 £27,122,273


Props tars! 0151111. • .4, £14,614,000 Government Securities ,- i fin- !test • ^ . 2 • , - 3,291,239 eluding Dead WeightAqAtnityhfI2,097.267 Pahl& Deposier 5,663,823 I Other Securities 11.398.661 Other Deposits- - • rz,-.-. . 9.056,343 NOtes e.9 6e6,315 Seven Day and other Bills .... 1,054,470 Gold and Silver Cola ...2... 701,611

433,708.874 £33,708,874 • Including Exchequer, Savings Banks, Commissioners of National Debt &Dividend Accts.

BULLION. Per ox. METALS. Per ton.

Foreign Gold In Bars, Standard £317 9 Copper,British Cakes /218 10 0 0 0 0 Foreign GoldinCoin,Portugal Pieces 0 0 0 Iron, British Bars .... 6 15 0 .. 7 0 0

New Dollars 0 4 94 Lead, British Pig .... 17 0 0 .. 0 0 9 fiver In Bars, Standard . 0 4 114 Steel, English 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 GRAIN, Mark Lane, June 16.

a. a.

Wheat,It.New42 to 44 Fine 44 -46 Old 40-42 White 42-4t Fine 48 -50 Super. New 50 -54 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN. Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week.

Wheat 45.. 7d.Rye 29.. 94 I Wheat 9s. OM. Rye 21.0d. I

Barley 33 3 Beans 36 8 Barley 5 0 Beans I 0

Oats 20 5 I Peas 36 7 Oats 2 6 I Peas 2 0

Weekly Averages for the Week ending June 10. Wheat, 47s. 8d.-Barley,31s. 7d.-Oata,20s. ed -Rye,28,.0d.-Beans,381.44.-Peas, 370.0d.


Butter-Best Fresh, 1 is. ed. per doz. Carlow, 41. es. to 41. 8s. per cwt. Bacon, Irish per cwt. 63s.- 74..

Cheese, Cheshire 54 - 76 Derby Plain 60 - 66 Hams, York 66 - 84

Eggs, French, per 120,4s. ad. to 81. Od.


Veal .. 3 4 - 4 0 - 4 8 3 10 4 0 - 4 8 Pork .. 4 0 - 4 8 - 6 0 4 0-4 6 - 5 0

Lamb. 6 5 - 5 10 -.0 0 5 0 - 6 2 - 0 0

Beef .. 3 2 to 3 6 to 3 10 2 10 to 3 10 to 4 0 Mutton 3 8 - 4 4 - 4 6 3 8 - 4 4 - 6 0


s. 4. s. d. a. d. s. d. a. d. a. d .

• To sink the offal, per 8 lb Beasts. 912 3,134

Calves. 615 299 Pigs.-. 296 300

Sheep. 10,930 28,180 Kern or Carols at Friday. Monday.


Choice ditto 80 - 103 Kent Pockets 60s. to 78s.

Sussex Pockets 68 72

Fine ditto 0 - 0 HOPS. York Reds perton. 80s. to 141s.

Scotch Reds 0 - 0 Devon,. 0 — 0

Kent and Essex Whites 0 - 0 POTATOES.

Wheat Straw Hay, Good Clover

New Inferior

90 95 78 - 92 50 — 96 60 65 0 - o 0 - 0 75s. to 80s 60s. to 70s. 600. to 70,.

28 - 32 23 - 30 .... ...... 20 - TA HAY AND STRAW. Per Load of 36 Trusses.)


65 70 60 - 63 0 - 0

Linseed 011 1 2 9 Linseed 011-Cake per 1000 0 0 0 Rape Oil per cwt. £1 15s. Od.

Candles, per dozen, 5s 3d. to M. ed.

Coals,Iletton 16a. 34. Refined 116 0

Tees 16e. 31. Moulds (ed.pereloz discount) 7s. Od. OILS, COALS, CANDLES.

Sugar, Muscovado, per *wt 24s. Old. Coffee, We (In bond) per cwt. 65s. to 115s. West India Molasses —.las. Od. to 20t. Od. Tea. Bohm., fine, ....per lb. Or. Id. to Os. 3d.

Good Ordinary 29.. to Us. Congou, fine 1 3 - 1 8 Souchong, One 1 3 - 3 6 • In Bond-Ditty 2s. Id. per lb. GROCERIES.

BRITISH FUND S. (Closing Prises)

Sehted. Meaday. Passedep. Widnes.

84 84


84 shut 36 pm.

Si stif

84 84 193 40 39 20 pm. 81 81 82


191 shut 834 ex 4 834





831 830 54 1924 40 19 Friday.



90 85 66 32 634 9 12 22 34

154 144 40 as

84 bleed.

46 16 634 631 844 8


4 Rye 2e to30 Barley 22 -24 Malting 29 -30 Malt, Ord 55 -56 Fine 68-6r Peas, Hog 36 -39 Maple 40 to41 White.— 35 -37 Boilers 37 -35 Beans,Ticks 31 - 33 Old . 38 -40 Harrow 36 -35

I. 8. Oats, Feed . IS to Pine. 19 -20 Poland .. 23 -24 Fine . 24 -24 Potato .. 25 -2.6 Fine . 26 -28

FLOUR. Town made per sack 44s. Seconds 41 Essex and Suffolk.on board ship 39 Norfoik and Stockton 37 Bran per quarter 0 Follard,fine 0 Bread, 6d. to 744. the 41b. loaf. to 47,. - 43

- 41

- 39 0 - 0