17 JUNE 1848, Page 9



The English Stock Market has been considerably firmer than for some time. The books of the Three per Cent Consols dosed on Tuesday. The price which had risen to 84 fell again about per cent when it became known that the Spanish Ambassador had received his passports: afterwards the-market reco- vered its tone, and the general tendency has been upwards. The last quo- tation of this aftemnoon is 838 4 ex dividend, equivalent to 854 with divi- dend. Consols have consequently advanced 1 per cent since our last re-

port, when the price was 84 Business has been upon a limited scale, as is always the case when the Consols are shut; the transac- tions in that stock generally being to about half the extent of the whole business of the Stock Market. Exchequer Bills are rather higher, and money still continues abundant; the current rate of commercial discount being from 2 to 3 per cent. Under these circumstances, the reduction of the Bank rate to si per cent, yesterday, was only what wits expected; and the alteration itself cannot produce an material effect upon the value of money.

The fluctuations in the Foreign Market have been less than usual. Though the last West Indian mail arrived without intelligence of the ratification of the treaty of peace between Mexico and the United States, the Stock of the former Government has improved about f per cent; the purchase to which we alluded in part of our last impression, (and which was followed by others of a similar character on Monday,) having imparted firmness to the market. The advertisement of the payment in due coarse of the dividends upon the Spanish Three per Cents which be- come due on the 30th instant has counteracted the depressing effect produced upon this stock by the departure of M. Isturitz; and the range of Spanish Bonds today is as high as it has been within these six weeks. Russian Bonds have advanced, and are today quoted at 904. The Dutch Stock of both kinds is without any change of importance. Nothing new has transpired upon the subject of New Grenada Dividends, or the conversion of the Peruvian Bonds: the latter, which have been at 304, are today at 31 and 32; and the former is unchanged. Some slight indications of improvement were observable in some of the larger Railway Shares; but they have not continued, and the prices of today. are gene- rally nearly the same as last week. Great Western Shares are again at a dis- count; having been done today at 89 and 894 per share upon which 901. is paid. The Preference Six per Cent Shares, now in course of issue by the various com-. panies, are all at a small premium, and are consequently taken by the shareholders. The transactions in French and Foreign Shares have been so insignificant as not to afford scope for remark.

The accounts of the Rank of England, for The week ending the 10th June, exhibit when compared with those of the preceding week the following results-


Rest Increase. Decrease.

Public Deposits 436,350

Other Deposits

£26,330 Seven-day and other Bills

16,294 Government Securities, including Dead-weight. • 127,175

Other Securities

89,945 Notes unissued 424,660

Actual Circulation

152,445 Isom DareaTmincr.

Notes issued




This week. Last week.

Total Bullion in both Departments 13,839,226 13,597,206

Actual Circulation

17,626,960 17,779,405

Larintner, TweLva °Twee.

The proposed loan of 500,0001. to the West Indian interest has caused a flat- ness in the English Stock Market, which is 4 per cent lower than at the close of business yesterday. The business is on a limited scale, and no transactions of importance have as yet occurred. The Foreign Fonds are all nominally at yes- terday's prices. There -is no material change, or any business worthy of record, in the Railway Shares.

3 per Cent Consols

Ditto for Account

3 per Cent Reduced


834 4 83f 4

Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents 6.5 70 424 34

634 44 al per Cents

844 4 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846- •

16 i

Long Annuities

84 9-16 New Grenada

12 13 Bank Stock 191 3 Portuguese N. 4 per Cents 1842 16 17 Exchequer Bills 28 42 prem. Portuguese Old 1824 63 6 India Stock shut Russian 5 per Cents 89 91

Brannan 5 per Cents

66 9 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 12 4 Belgian 44 per Cents 58 62 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842

221 34

Buenos Ayres 20 3


13 15 Chaim 6 per Cents 78 81