17 JUNE 1899, Page 1


HE latest news in regard to the Transvaal leaves matters 1 very much where they were last week. On Monday Sir Alfred Milner, in answer to a deputation received by him at Cape Town, spoke in a very conciliatory spirit. He pointed out the great exaggeration involved in all the talk about an extension of the franchise swamping the Boers. The old citizens would keep control for many years, and, indeed, till a fusion of races had taken place. Again, the Outlanders were by no means all of one mind. He ended by pointing out how greatly the future of South Africa was bound up with the principle of equality for the two races. It was the one State where inequality existed which kept the rest in a fever. He knew better than any man what the Imperial policy was. It was not a policy of aggression, but of singular patience, but it could not relapse into indifference. Our true policy in the present crisis could not possibly find a better formula than in these words.