17 JUNE 1911, Page 13


[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:1 SI11,—The following may be read with interest by some of your readers at the present time, and I should be glad to know if my genealogical facts are correct: " Eva, daughter of the King of Leinster, married Strongbow ; their one daughter, Isabel, married William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke and Earl Marshal of England. Isabel, their second daughter, married the Earl of Gloucester, and her granddaughter Isabel was the mother of Robert Bruce. Eva, the third daughter, married Lord de Breos, and from her daughter Eva, descended Edward IV. Through his granddaughter, Margaret Queen of Scotland, daughter of Henry VII., the Royal Family claim their right to the throne. Roderick O'Connor, the last king of Ireland, left a daughter who mar- ried Hugo de Lacy; their son, Hugh, created Earl of Ulster, left a daughter who married a De Burgh, and their daughter, Ellen, married Robert Bruce.—I am, Sir, &c.,