17 JUNE 1911, Page 26

Three recently published books on Westminster Abbey are likely to

be read with interest at the present time. The Founders of Westminster Abbey, by Henry Troutbeck (Mowbray and Co. 2s. net.), gives a series of short sketches of the various kings whose names are especially connected with the Abbey. The first on the list is Lucius, the legendary second century founder of an earlier church on the same site, and the last is Henry VII. Our Kings and Westminster Abbey, by Agatha G. Twining (Mowbray. 2s. 6d. net.), is a pleasant historical sketch, designed to show how the Abbey has been "closely associated with our Kings and Queens and the government of our country." It contains also a brief architectural account of the building. Westminster Abbey and the Antiquities of the Coronation, by W. R. Lethaby (Duckworth and Co. 2s. 6d. net.), gives an historical account of some of the regalia to be used in the actual coronation ceremony.