17 JUNE 1955, Page 22

Recent Reprints

PENGUIN Books have now added Aldous Huxley to those eminent contemporaries of whose works they have produced something approaching collected editions. Ten volumes of his novels, stories' essays and travel-writing have now appeared, including all the best-known pre-war titles. The larger volumes such as Point Counter Point are 3s. 6d., others 2s. 6d. Among other noteworthy Penguins are Robert Frost's Selected Poems (the selection having been done by the poet), with an Introduction by Cecil Day Legit' (3s. 6d.), and Peter Quennell's Byron in Italy (2s. 6d.).

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Macdonalds have issued at 21s. a new edition of John Cowper Powys's novel, A Glastonbury Romance, first published in 193'

The new edition has a Preface by the author, and those responsible for the production have dealt admirably with the production of a manageable and readable volume containing over 1,000 pages.

Fabers have brought new editions of Raymond Spottiswoode's analysis of film technique, A Grammar of the Film, which first appeared twenty years ago (18s.), and of Hugh Ross Williamson's The Arrow and the Sword (15s.).

* * * T. E. Shaw's translation of the Odyssey and Father Brown : Selected Stories, by G. K. Chesterton, have appeared in the Oxford 'World's Classics' at 6s. each, and Conrad's Lord Jim and Youth in The Nelson Classics' at 5s. each.

• * Other recent reprints include a second edition of Salvador de Madariaga's Hernan Cortes, from Hollis and Carter at 25s.; a second edition of International Relations, by Robert Strausz- Hupe and Stefan T. Possony, from McGraw-Hill at 52s.; a revised edition of The United States : From Wilderness to World Power, by Ralph Volney Harlow, issued as a first British edition by Cape at 50s.; The Spirit of Russia, by Jan Masaryk, with new matter added at Masaryk's request by Jan Slavik, from Allen and Unwin at 60s. the set of two volumes; and The Bible View of Life, by S. C. Carpenter, from Eyre and Spottiswoode at 12s. 6d.

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Among cheaper reprints Dents continue to reissue their 'Every- man' series in the larger format. Many titles have been reissued recently, and anyone who found that a particular work was out of print a few months ago, or even a few weeks ago, might now try again. Among the more interesting reissues are,Hugh Walpole's cautionary tale of school life, Mr. Perrin and Mr. Traill; Poe's Tales of Mystery and Imagination; and Stories and Episodes, by Thomas Mann. The first two of these are 6s. each, and the third (which includes Tonio Kroger and Death in Venice) is 7s. Another 'Everyman' which contains material of great interest to students and others is the combined volume of Mary Wollstonecraft's The Rights of Woman and John Stuart Mill's On the Subjection of Women (6s.). Turgenev's Fathers and Sons in C. J. Hogart's translation appears with a new Introduction by V. S.'Pritchett, and Newman's Apologia Pro Vita Sua with a new Introduction by Sir John Shane Leslie (6s. each volume)..

C. S. Lewis's The Screwtape Letters and Mere Christianity have been issued in Collins's 'Fontana' series at 2s. each.