17 MARCH 1849, Page 18

The number and startling events of the past year render

a handy re- slime of its occurrences a desirable book, if not an actual necessity; and such is supplied in Mr. Kelly's History of the Year 1848. The arrangement is good, each country being separately considered ; the nar- rative is rapid, succinct, comprehensive, and clear ; the leading events are boldly brought out, and individual cases selected as examples of de- tail, instead of space being occupied and the reader fatigued by a minute enumeration of general particulars. The French Revolution, coming first, naturally excited the greatest attention, and from the frequent communi- cation between London and Paris was described in greater amplitude; so that those who were close readers of the journals from February to June may desire greater fulness in Mr. Kelly's narrative,--which, indeed, it might have borne. Italy, Austria, and Prussia, especially Italy, are more satisfying, and will net only refresh the memory but inform the mind. The leanings of the author are liberal, but not wild ; and he appears ani- mated by a spirit of strict impartiality. Chronological tables appended to each section would be an improvement, and would go far to remove the occasional paucity we have hinted at.