17 MARCH 1866, Page 2

Cardsvell has recalled the Governor Of 'Victoria. The 'Legislative Assemblyof

that colony, as our readers are aware, has been for months in conflict with the Legislative Council, and the quarrel has gone so far that the nominee House refused to pass the Appropriation Bill because -a protectionist tariff hail been tacked to It. 'Linda' these vireumsbances Sir Charles Darling carried on the Government by loans and duties, levied with the consent of the Lower House, but illegal. He thought it his duty, it appears, to 'act according to the advice of his Ministers. Mr. Cardwell, however, thought it his duty, as Her Majesty's representative, to upheld the law, and censured him severely. Twenty-two members of the Council in the meantime addressed the Home Government, denouncing the - Governor's acts as un- constitutional, 11. proceeding *hick so irritated Sir Charles that he declared 'it would be impossible for him to act with any of them again, even should they obtains majority. Under these circumstances the Secretary for the Colonies informs him that he had nooption but to recall him from his post, which he accordingly; does. The recall will, welear, be interpreted by the colonists as a coup d'etat directed against the Assembly in the interest of free trade, but it is clear that the first duty of a Colonial Governor is to maintain the law, and not " collect money by mere force from persons from whom the Supreme Court has declared it is not due."