17 MARCH 1894, Page 16



BECAUSE you see me light and gay,

Playing with that man and with this, You turn from me, and coldly say- " How frivolous she is I " Because you hear my laugh ring out Careless, amid the ball-room's glare ; You think that all I care about In life,—is only there.

Because, to your disdainful look I answer with as cold a gaze, You sneer : " My lady ill can brook That one no homage pays."

Because you note my blush and smile, When others bow before my throne, You do not know that all the while Your mastery I own.

You will not guess—I cannot tell—

That though their praises flatter me, And though my kingdom please me well, I'd leave it willingly.

To reign as queen beside your hearth, To call my own your love, your life, Would give up all I prize on earth,