17 MARCH 1894, Page 2

The affair on the Gambia has ended in a complete

victory for the British. Fodi Silah's strong place, Gonjur, was shelled by the fleet on the 9th inst., and then entered by the Naval Brigade and a force of West Indian soldiers under Major Madden. This force had advanced from a different direction, storming three villages en route; and their success, coupled with the fire from the fleet, completely cowed Fodi Silah's guard. They fled, and Gonjur was found to be deserted. It was on fire, and one hundred kegs of French powder were exploded, fortunately without injury to the British. On the following day, Major Madden attacked Saniany, whither Fodi Silah had retreated; and though it was strongly fortified, captured it without striking a blow. The negroes are, in fact, thoroughly cowed, and the little war is over,—Fodi Silah having fled into the bush, on the French side. It is reported that he has been captured by French police ; but whether he has been or not, his power is completely broken, and his raids for slaves have been brought to a final end.