17 MARCH 1894, Page 3

The new Government is evidently determined to proceed with the

increase of the Navy. The Estimates provide for the commencement of seven new battle-ships of the first class, six cruisers of the first class, and two sloops ; while the number of torpedo-boat destroyers will be raised to forty- two. This, tnoreover, says Lord Spencer, is only part of a programme settled for five years ahead. This year an extra sum of £3 126,000 will be spent ; while the number of men employed will be increased by six thousand seven hundred. There will be, of course, immense discussion upon details ; but the main point is, that the Government accepts a large addition to the Navy as a necessity created by the rapid de- velopment of foreign fleets, and the unity of policy appa- rently established between France and Russia. It was upon this point that the public distrusted the late Administration, and Lord Spencer's statement will tend greatly to increase Lord Rosebery's popularity.