17 MARCH 1928, Page 1

; At Geneva ;oil Thursday, March 8th, the between Hungary

and Rumania came up before the Council. of the League.. In spite of the great labours of Sir Austen Chamberlain the discussion led to no success, since Rumania refused to submit the case to the Hague. On Friday the Council approved appeals to Spain, Brazil and Costa Rica to reconsider.their defections. We trust that these efforts will prevail to bring back or keep all three- within the fold. It is disappointing that the question at issue- between Poland and Lithuania- had to be adjourned until June. On the other hand, Poland and Danzig needed no help, as • they' have rightly agreed to accept the advisory opinion of the Permanent Court of International Justice on the disputed jurisdiction of the Danzig Court. We are glad to see yet another citizen of the United States closely connected with the League by the appointment of Mr. Lucius Eastman to serve on the Economic Committee.

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