17 MARCH 1928, Page 15

Country Life


It is becoming a commonplace of criticism that within twenty years or so the virgin forests of the world will be levelled and the inhabitants will be suffering from a famine in pulp, paper, and silk. Wood is one of the most important of all materials, and perhaps absolutely the most important outside foods ; and new uses are being found for it daily. Our clothes as well as our newspapers and books are made of it. One of the prophets said to me the other day on the theme : " What the Empire most needs is the creation of a forest sense." And the idea is worth investigation and analysis. After all, if the people of the Empire possessed a "forest sense," even to the degree the New Zealanders possess it, the Empire could easily make itself self-supporting in timber, even before Scandinavia and Canada and the United States cease to export from their surplus, as they must within a generation.

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