17 MARCH 1928, Page 2

In India Sir John Simon's Commission continue their tour very

satisfactorily. They reached Lahore last -Week and are being very well received in the Punjab. The Moslems there are almost united in favour of co-operation. The Hindus are divided. The Sikhs are united as a body • themselves but are anxious- to agree with neither Moslems nor Hindus.. We expect to see them co-operate with the Commission. The news from Delhi is far less satisfactory. There on Thursday, March 8th, the Commander-in-Chief gave. in the Assembly his review of military affairs and in particular of the progress towards the Indian Sandhurst. It was violently criticized by the Congress Party, *and on Saturday a motion against the Government was carried by 70 votes to 41. Many Moslems joined with • the Congress Party in the majority. On Monday the Assembly was a scene of even greater bitterness. The Hindus and Moslems attacked each other over the distribution of posts in the Customs Service. On Tuesday the Opposition defeated the Government three times on • the ApPro- priation Votes. They 'succeed in giving the Executive an uncomfortable time, and we see no good result from their action.