17 MARCH 1928, Page 21

Science Progress (Murray, 7s. 6d.) is always a useful and

interesting quarterly. The present issue contains in article by Sir Oliver Lodge on "The Nature of Matter and its

- Relation to the Ether of *Space," a brilliant attempt to synthesize the abstruse discoveries of physics with those of biology and psychology, and to present the synthesis in language and illustration that the layman can understand. "Ether it is which welds the whole Material universe into a -cosmos.-- It is that which holds the earth together, it is that which holds our own bodies together. The particles are not in contact,. they are separated by. empty space, which, 'never- theless, is completely full of the omnipresent connecting medium. When we. bend a piece of steel we are straining

the etherial connection." If we ignore the ether, Sir Oliver tells us, "we are ignoring the fundamental reality in the physical universe;, and we may be ignoring that which constitutes the physical vehicle of life and mind, My notion is that life and mind are not directly associated with matter, but are indirectly associated with it through the ether." There are also an interesting article by Mr. Gordon Temple on the commercial use of a hitherto embarrassing waste- product of the sugar industry, and a long critical review of Briffault's huge work, The Mothers.

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