17 MARCH 1973, Page 16



"Appointments and changes" as the Bookseller heads its weekly list, are fast and furious in the publishing world at present. On the first of May, John Bright-Holmes is leaving Eyre Methuen to take over the editorial directorship of Allen and Unwin. John Cullen for the time being doubles up as Chairman and Managing Director. Most of BrightHolmes's nineteen years at Eyre Methuen have been spent developing the Eyre and Spottiswoode list, whose ingestion by the larger body must have caused him some unhappiness. His decision is probably a wise one. Eyre Methuen is not in the top league editorially at the moment — added to which they have got themselves into a bad patch of overpricing. The Trial of Doctor Sacheverell by Geoffrey Holmes, for example, is a splendid book which had a large number of laudatory reviews from well-established historians. If it isn't selling well, it is because it has been priced at the absurdly high sum of e5 — rather than the E3-odd which a book of that size would normally sell at.

On the subject of Geoffrey Holmes, by the way, the literary editor had passed on to me a review of his book by the celebrated poet, essayist and social historian Pat Rogers. To do his bit for Eyre Methuen, and to inaugurate a fashion for sharper, shorter reviews. Bookbuyer appends it here.

Proud Sacheverell, priest and martyr, Damns false brethren, causing gory, Riots brought in Rude's data; Hothead brought before the law he Hoists the High Church banner higher; Sentenced mildly, basks in glory, Sermons shipped off to the shires.

Geoffrey Holmes reveals the story.

Pining for his Alma Mater, Leaving London in uproar he Makes for Magdalen as a starter, Home of port and nonjurory. Feted then by Midland squires, Feasted by my Lord Kilmorey, Bunting draped on Lichfield spires — Dr Holmes completes the story.

Soon, preferred by star and garter, Lands St Andrew's rich rectory; For a while persona grata, Ladies offer be! amore.

Risings fail; so he retires (Highgate house, rich wife — before he 's fifty has a fall, expires, Holmes charts, party purgatory.

Envoi Muse, despite your well-known bias, Clio, favour just one Tory: Pluck this brand from Whiggish fires, Now that Holmes has told his story!

The printers inadvertently changed " God " to " Good " in spelling the name of the senior editor at Weidenfeld last week though whether it was a change for the better Bookbuyer cannot say.

Which remir him: how will Michael Attenborough et.L.. etc . . . To be continued nex week.