17 MAY 1913, Page 15


[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sra,—As an interested lay spectator of the discussion which has recently arisen around the question of the University Divinity degrees, may I, while largely agreeing with your attitude on the subject, venture to touch on a point which appears not to have received much attention P The proposal was, in respect to Oxford Divinity degrees, to remove denominational barriers and to place the honour within reach of all who wish to attain it. But to realize this object an alteration was to be made in the form of the degrees. The word Sacra was to be omitted, and Theologia substituted for Sacra Theologia. Well, a value certainly appears to be placed on the Sacra, and its removal would, in the eyes of many, lessen the value of the degree. Thus Nonconformists (whom this change was designed to benefit) were not to be allowed to have the degree in its original form : it was only to be put within their reach after an alteration which would, rightly or wrongly, in the opinion of many, devaluate the honour. In

effect, it was said to Nonconformists : "You may have the degrees, but we cannot give them to you on the same terms as those on which Anglicans have hitherto held them." This seems hardly satisfactory to some of us who wish to see such offers made in a manner consistent with that spirit of unqualified generosity towards Nonconformists which is so frequently and ably advocated in the Spectator. Hoping to hear your opinion on this point,—I am, Sir, &c., LAY ONLOOKER.