17 MAY 1924, Page 11

In these notes on several occasions I have referred to

a problem which does not receive much attention in the British Press, namely, the large migration of Canadians to the United States each year.- We in Europe are so accustomed to associate the Dominion with a great stream of immigration that we are apt to overlook the fact that Canada is, figuratively speaking, like a sieve. Europe, and this country especially, sends a large number of immigrants every year, but for every immigrant we send from this country an able-bodied Canadian leaves Canada for the United States. The Toronto correspon- dent of the Manchester Guardian considers that the drift of Canadians across the international line is the most serious problem affecting Canada's growth and prosperity. He states that during the first nine months of last year 127,000 Canadians entered the United States and regis- tered their intention of remaining there. In the summer months the figure was nearly five thousand a week, and officials estimate that the Canadian migration must number 25,000 a month because not all those who move out are officially recorded as permanent emigrants. * * * *