17 MAY 1924, Page 3

At the Mansion House on Thursday, May 8th, Mr. Morgenthau,

who was formerly American Ambassador at Constantinople, made a moving appeal on behalf of the Greek refugees. He said that the only thing in history like the present situation in Greece was the exodus of the Jews. Over a million people living in homes that had belonged to their race for over a thousand years were suddenly expelled from Turkish territory. Thousands of them disappeared ; the rest were thrown upon the shores of Greece. There are still in Greece half a million Chris- tians living in desolation and hunger, the intensity of which cannot be matched elsewhere in the world. The League of Nations Refugees Settlement Commission is doing its utmost to settle them in permanent occupations, but its funds cannot be used for charitable relief. In the intermediate stage private charity is the only way. The British Relief Societies are at present able to relieve less than one-tenth of those in desperate need. A refugee can be kept alive for lid. a day. The Imperial War Relief Fund, General Buildings, Aldwych, earnestly begs for help.