17 MAY 1930, Page 1

* * * The Indian Situation - The week in

India has been marked by further tragic rioting, but it is clear that Lord Irwin's policy has pre- vented the " revolution of India " frOm reaching the proportions of an organized outbreak. A full state- ment has been issued on the rioting at Sholapur on Friday, May 9th, which led , to the intervention of military units, and, later, to the proclamation of martial law. The arrest of Mr. Abbas Tyabji, Gandhi's successor, provoked a hartal at Karachi, bUt it was noticeable that only Hindu and not Moslem shops were closed. A woman has ," assumed the • leadership of the movement, and the efforts of the fanatics are concentrated rather on the intensive boycott of foreign cloth than on the campaign against the Salt Act.