17 MAY 1935, Page 36

The Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company have published

their Report for 1934, showing very excellent results. The total underwriting profits, exclusive of interest. amounted -to £5017,388, against £376,377 in 1933. The Fire Account gives Particularly good' results ;'the profit 'of £414,695 compares -with £370,445 in 1933 and £234,479 in 1932. In the.Accident.Department, although the Premium Income of . 14,483;705 was nearly £400,000• below the previous year, there was a profit of £46,538 as compared with a loss of £122,990 in the previous year. The Marine AcCount contributed a profit of over £20,000 and the Life Department £26,000. In that Department the net new business rose by £256,000 to £2,359,483. Interest income advanced by £34,000 to £439,810. while the dividend is unchanged at 27s. per share. The stun' of £100,000 is added to the Accident Reserves and £85,000 to Staff Pension Funds, leaving £597,327 to be carried forward against £545,871 a year ago.