17 MAY 1946, Page 15


Sta,—We read with much interest in The Spectator of May 3rd Frank 0. Salisbury's letter on the spirit of service. We should like to draw the attention of your readers in London and the Home Counties to the very interesting form of voluntary service which is done by the London County Council School Care Committees. Our aim is to help the children in the London schools who are suffering from the handicaps of poor health and nutrition or from unhappiness of one sort or another. We make friends with the parents, and are often able to clear up difficulties that hamper the children's progress and satisfaction in their school life and when they leave to go to. work. We very much need more workers in every borough in London. Anyone interested should apply to me.

—Yours truly, HELEN GUTHRIE. Children's Care Office, Alverstone House, Magee Street, S.E.